Darf man Gewürze mit ins Handgepäck nehmen?

Folgende Situation: Ich werde vorraussichtlich morgen fliegen. Unsere Freunde wollten bestimmte Gewürze aus Deutschland. Ein Gewürz sieht nur sehr nach etwas Drogenhaltigem aus. Die Pakete sind zwar beschriftet mit dem Gewürz aber kann man das mit ins Handgepäck nehmen? Im Koffer würden die doch wahrscheinlich den Koffer öffnen oder lieg ich hier falsch?

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3 years ago

I wouldn’t take that spice. It could be that it is seen and causes inconvenience. -I was asked to come in a room after the usual control of my relatively small handbag, as something “famous” was suspected in the bag. I myself was convinced that this should be a mistake. – That’s where the little zipper was opened in my pocket. I used this little side bag. But there was actually a tiny collapsible letter opener in it, which I had probably received once as a gift and then forgot. ! Precise controls at airports are so rare. I have seen this in different countries. In principle, I support precise controls. Give the traveler more security!

3 years ago

You may, of course, be looking in the suitcase. On the X-ray image, however, this is usually displayed as an “organic material” that no one cares.

3 years ago

No, I don’t care. I always take away self-filled inulin, which looks like coke, no one cares.