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4 years ago

In 99, 99% of cases there is a sign on the edge of the forest, or in the field roads before it is forbidden, first and agricultural traffic. Are neither forestry nor agricultural transport. So it’s al ne punishment. If you’re still going to the forest, there’s another punishment for offending against the Landeswaldgesetz.

4 years ago

No, it’s not in. This is the way for the Landesforstgesetz of the respective federal states. In addition, there are also private forests that are still open to the public, whose owners, owners, tenants also prohibit such a thing. If you’d really have to find a spot in a private forest that’s remote so you’re not disturbing anyone else with your crawling around. What also includes animals. And then of course you have to be allowed. Otherwise it won’t work and it’s criminal. And if there were damages, whatever way, you can get them on the note. Google this. There are plenty of articles on this subject because something like that happens again and again.

4 years ago

Hi, but this is itchy: the forest is the exhaust gases, the animals are the noise, the walkers are the danger.
I’m driving myself African Twin, but stay on the road or public roads. You can drive on an off-road terrain at any time if you have an Enduro.

4 years ago

enduro motocross or mtb?

4 years ago

If there is no nature reserve already.

4 years ago


4 years ago

The owner decides that. And the least will want that.

But no one does it?

Eua, just the owner of the forest piece.

4 years ago
Reply to  OsMama


4 years ago

the forest owner has to comply with the Landeswaldgesetz. And according to this law, this is strictly forbidden by the forest. Penalty up to €100,000 and a criminal complaint

4 years ago
Aber das juckt doch eigentlich gar niemand oder?

But hello! Are you so sure?

Aggressive environmentalists could throw you a bang between the spokes.

I’m a lover.

I’d just throw away the key and throw it somewhere between the nettles.

In the case of contradictions, it remained confiscated and you should move towards home, push, push….

4 years ago
Reply to  OsMama

I am a very evil person and would support Felixsenior 😁

4 years ago
Reply to  OsMama

The Pofil says:

Unswar ich bin 16 bin gerade dabei meine mittlere reife zu machen!

Don’t worry.

4 years ago
Reply to  OsMama

he might even arrest you for committing a crime. the police would be happy

4 years ago

How it looks

4 years ago

You have a long line.

I guess I’m supposed to throw your key into the nettles of old man and then he’ll help me swing you behind.

4 years ago

zitat: only my key would take, then you would get one of those on the ground.

How do you call that?

4 years ago

Because you don’t know who’s at the other end of the line.

4 years ago

That’s right. with 16 big mouth. at the latest when the greens come – there would be a very long list:

– Driving without driving licence

– driving without insurance

– drive in the forest ( fine to €100,000)

-Criminal offence

– Insult

But for some, it’s funny with so young years – to ruin his life already

4 years ago

Excuse me.

But we old (“real”) motorcyclists like to annoy us about those who make driving more and more difficult. See roadblocks and bad reputation.

4 years ago

Yes, it adores the förster, the walkers and the animals.

4 years ago
Reply to  OsMama

There are usually traffic signs, at the entrances of the forest paths. Prohibition for motor vehicles of all kinds, except for forestry vehicles.

You’re not going to be a citizen. That would be too dangerous. And the animals don’t like it when you’re crumbling through their living room. Not even the mountain bikers. They also have special ways.