Darf man einfach so Geld am Automaten einzahlen?
Ich hab mir über die Jahre immer geschenktes Geld in einem Briefumschlag aufbewahrt und würde das jetzt gerne am Automaten auf mein Konto einzahlen. Kann es da Probleme geben, wenn man einige Hundert Euro am Automaten einzahlen will bzgl. Herkunft des Geldes?
Google says:
As a rule, you can up to 9,999 euros deposit. From a total of 10,000 euros, the banks must demand a proof of origin for the money from the customer.
That’s exactly what these machines are meant for.
Then, theoretically, you could just pay such a stolen money or drug money or something, isn’t that checked?
Well, if you want to deposit a high sum, that’s checked. And if you want to pay 1000 euros each month, it will be noticed sometime (keyword smurfing). But it is not about all citizens having to prove at any time where their cash comes from.
No, this is only required from € 10,000.00.