Darf man einen Grinder\Crusher mit ins Flugzeug führen?
wääre sehr dankbar
wääre sehr dankbar
Hallo, stimmt es immernoch das in UHU lösungmittel enthalten sind von denen man “berauscht” werden kann? Ich habe einmal gehört das diese Lösungsmittel entfernt worden sind.
Was genau würde passieren, also wie sehe der Ablauf aus wenn ein Soldat mit Drogen erwischt wird?
Hallo Fliege Mittwoch von Mulhouse 1 Woche in Urlaub . Gibts es auch Parkplätze die man nicht vorher online Reservieren muss und was kosten diese?
Wer ist dieser genie
This depends on whether plant residues are in it. You’ll get them away quickly with isopropyl alcohol. Of course, you must also do before returning.
is still unused
Then you don’t do anything forbidden. However, you need to thoroughly clean the grinder before returning. Depending on which country you are, consumption could also be prohibited there. In Germany, the cosnum, on the basis of the constitutionally guaranteed principle of impunity, is self-damaging behaviour, is criminally free.
If consumption is prohibited, you might be very hard to blame for the attempted consumption. ICh doesn’t know where you’re going, but on the Phillips, I wouldn’t do that.
If you allow the alkhol to evaporate in a glass form, the concentrate remains which you can scratch and use. You have a permit.
as seen not yet painted
He speaks nonsense…
Why am I talking nonsense?!
Question: Why do you need a Crusher/Grinder during the flight? If you want to take it with you, of course, you need to let the security officers get in-depth questions about what the part is about. In case of doubt, you’re going to go. Do you have the nerves?
In general, you should only really take what you need in the cabin for the flight. So get into the job baggage.
You can’t go as far as I know!
I don’t think herbal mills are a bigger problem. If it should be examined, you need to make sure to dispose of residues.
I don’t know about it either.
If he didn’t use it, he was clear.
Why should you do that?