Darf man eigentlich mit den E-Ticket (Hessen) Fahrrädermitnehmen?
Darf man mit dem E-Ticket Hessen Fahrräder mitnehmen?
Das frage ich mich immer. Mal wurde gesagt, daß ich aussteigen solle. Mal sagte der Schaffner, ich könne weiterfahren.
Darf man mit dem E-Ticket Hessen Fahrräder mitnehmen?
Das frage ich mich immer. Mal wurde gesagt, daß ich aussteigen solle. Mal sagte der Schaffner, ich könne weiterfahren.
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So at the DB it is so that wheels need extra ticket, that will probably be the case with your E-ticket Hesse.
And if there’s a control, it’s a contrast coming from him and probably not much going on the train…
such a nonsense. In Hesse, the RMV and NVV and both offer free bike ride.
I wrote NOT that it is FAKT, but “although so is”
Rather, your comment is to be called nonsense, as you read correctly
Any mutations don’t bring anyone on.
This is about local transport in Hesse and there are other TArifbestium emissions as in other federal states.
The “eTicket” is just a chip card where different types of tickets can be stored. It depends on what kind of ticket you actually have.
It’s a student ticket.
Apparently, the use of bicycles in the area of the RMV is possible free of charge:
https://www.rmv.de/c/en/fahrkarten/infos Rules/tariff Information/mitnahme-von-fahrraedern-e-scootern-und-co
However, other regulations can apply outside the RMV.
Sorry, there is no bike map at the RMV or at the NVV because it is FREE.
However, there is also that there is no claim to take, and that there can be restrictions at certain times.
In case of doubt, the staff decides whether a bicycle can be taken or not.
Thank you. Then I don’t have to worry about control on the train when I take my bike.
In Hessen, RMV and NVV.
Both traffic allies offer FREE bike ride. However, one must also say clearly that the trains on the main traffic axes are full of breaks.