Darf man dann schneller fahren?
In meiner Stadt gibt es eine Straße, bei der ist von Montag bis Freitag von 7 bis 17 Uhr 30, sonst 50 kmh. Das steht als zusatz unter der 30, außerdem steht da noch Schule drunter…
Darf man jetzt in den Ferien 50 fahren? Da sind ja keine Kinder
No, only the time is crucial, someone from another state or without children does not necessarily have to know when vacations are… Still, creative idea!
Is there an additional sign with the inscription: “Is it just outside school holidays?” No? Try to answer the question yourself.
Mo. – Fr./ 7 – 17 o’clock = 30 Km/h, does everything say or do you see the addition “except holidays”?
Then why is school under the time?
This is an additional information, so to speak as a further hint, to drive there carefully because children are to be expected.
There are also local road users.
The signs always apply. Also in holidays, weekends and holidays.
https://www.adac.de/news/speed limitation pre-school/