Darf man damit draußen fahren?


Ich will mir das kaufen, aber habe keinen Führerschein oder sonst irgendwas. Darf ich damit fahren? Da steht, es fährt bis zu 24 km/h.

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1 year ago

Oh, I still know it under the name “city flash”.

That was in real and it was promised in the description of the loading of great fun on the road. Well, if Real sees a police control with subsequent seizure as fun.

I had to ask several sellers until one time opened the box and found no papers for the insurance. Later I learned that it is not allowed for public transport.

Shortly after, I saw my neighbor driving around with such a part. He just caught an insurance license from three years ago.

1 year ago

Can you drive it out?

Is there clearly:

The TELESTAR TROTTY bike is not allowed for use on public roads, only on private grounds.”

1 year ago
Reply to  lilatrudi

I always say: Who can read is clearly in advantage.