darf man bei panikattacken rauchen?

ich leide seit 3 wochen an panikattacken und würde gerne mit 18 anfangen zu rauchen das heißt in 2 jahren darf man dann rauchen auch wenn man an panikattacken leidet?

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10 months ago

Why would you start smoking? Seriously, why?

panic attacks or Their cause is not getting away from smoking.

Therapy us cheaper and helps at least

10 months ago

I don’t understand.

Why are you planning to poison yourself with expensive, health-prone drugs in from 18?

What does this have to do with the panic attacks? You’ve had them for three weeks, and you’ve been counting on them for the next few years?

It’s really a pity that you’re planning your life with difficulties and mental illnesses, instead of starting to assume that you’re doing something against the difficulties and then going to life healthy and mundane.

10 months ago
Reply to  anonyme123431

Yes, why not. This has nothing to do with each other.

10 months ago

No, of course not.

10 months ago

Smoking is so or so
