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2 years ago

How are you going to go? In the car you are protected from lightning (by the so-called faraday cage).

It’s not with the bike.

But so or so: in most thunderstorms it also rains (with me just too, very strongly even). I’m driving my own car at night when it rains. And on the way from the apartment to the car, or from the car to the gym, you will then also be very fast, if there is a parking garage or the like directly at the gym.

So I’d stay home.

2 years ago

It doesn’t matter to the thunderstorm whether you train or not.

A flash seeks the highest point with the slightest resistance to driving around on the flat field, so it’s no good.

2 years ago

I will stay home

besides you have total desire to go outside in the weather

2 years ago

the car doesn’t care in there are safe, salmon

2 years ago

Why not?