Darf man bei 30 Grad in der Sonne Fahrrad fahren?
ich war heute gegen 12 Uhr unterwegs, mit Rad. Zuvor war es schwül und regnete, aber es kam dann die Sonne raus, rund 30-32 Grad. Beim Fahren war es nicht sooo schlimm, aber ich hab jetzt Angst wegen einem Sonnenstich, aber meine Mutter und Schwester haben gemeint da passiert nix und sie trugen auch keine Kopfbedeckung. Ich hab zwischendurch meine dünne Jacke auf den Kopf gelegt, war aber dennoch auch mal der Sonne ausgesetzt. Schützt das Haar auch davor?
Was kann ich jetzt tun, damit ich vorbeuge? Muss was passieren?
You can’t, you can’t. The government has other concerns. Whether that’s smart, you have to decide for yourself. And you can save the hypochondron in retrospect here – if it were so dangerous, you would be stupid and you could not ask the question. So, en glass of orange juice on your luck empty and out into life…
You know that a sunlight usually starts later?
Sure. But it wasn’t the question of whether you could get yourself a bit of sunshine. There everyone can, even without a bicycle. Ws do you think you did it with me when in Phönix, 4 hours walked through the cactus park, at 45°C and forget the hat in the car? Ouch.
First, it’s a bad thing, the circuit doesn’t want to be right. The coming night wasn’t funny, diarrhea, vomiting, no sleep. With viiiiiel water, after 2 days I was able to put on my feet again. It wasn’t fun.
But good, 45 degrees and 4 hours is crassed. Did you have severe symptoms? So when did this show how many hours later?
May be, but best with helmet (which makes cycling safer and also helps against the sun)
It’s because you can turn around because of the sun when you’re exaggerated, right?
Yes and because it protects your head when you fly (which simply happens during cycling – even if you are experienced)
Leave the bike in the basement today.
Don’t go today. Relax.
I’ll get some protection.
You may, but I would be careful with physical restrictions. If you flip over, that’s worse with the bike.
You mean when you’re older now and all? So I am 29 and have long dark hairs but rather a bright skin. It’s not enough to get sunburn.
If you are healthy okey nothing happens if you have drunk enough etc. Of course you can never
Actually, it doesn’t like heat in general. But I’m sure that’s the best thing. I didn’t drink so much, but I’m gonna go get it.
I’ve been driving at higher temperatures. You have to protect your head from the sun and drink enough.
I drive in any weather when it is hot never with free upper body and always with head cover.
I’ve always had a hat, but because it was mostly cloudy and rainy, I thought it’s the same day.
This is not a question for me, as there is no duty on helmets.
So now you’ve been driving… and behold… you’re still alive!
Drink a glass of water and don’t get dressed like that.
This is usually shown only in the evening