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27 days ago


“The Muslims agree that a Muslim cannot marry any infidel like a Jew, a Christian or the like. For Allah, He be raised, said, “And do not marry (believing women) with idolaters before they believe.” (Sure 2,221).

Allah’s Prophet [Muhammad] – Allah’s blessings and salvation be upon him – said: “Islam has the upper hand. No one can have the upper hand over Islam.” The husband has power over his wife. An unbelievers must not have the power [force of determination] over a Muslim; for Islam is the religion of truth. All other religions are untrue. If a Muslim knows the law [the Shari’a], and still marries an unbelievers, she is considered a adulterer. She’s being punished with the punishment for adultery. If it does so without knowing the Islamic law, it is considered ignorant and apologised for it. In this case, she must separate herself from her husband. She does not need a divorce because this marriage is considered invalid from the outset.”


27 days ago

Yes, at least in this country you can.

27 days ago
Reply to  Klaustrophil

But only as long as Germany is not a potash fat. If there is also the Sharia, there will probably be another wind.

27 days ago

I’m not religious, but isn’t that God loves everyone?

I think love is never forbidden. God will love you if you marry someone who has another religion. I’m sure.

Love is never bad.

27 days ago

It’s okay for Christianity. But not for Muslims. A Muslim woman must not marry a Christian. Only Muslim men are allowed to marry Christian or Jewish women.

27 days ago

No this is not permitted in the Bible and in the Church of God.

Two. Corinthians 6,14

“Don’t stand in an unequal yoke with unbelievers.” For what have justice and lawlessness to do with each other? Or what does the light have with the darkness?

27 days ago

One more. The verse doesn’t mean what you think it means.

27 days ago
Reply to  TrbnKwck

Not I think that, but the Church of God.

Who are you to interpret the Bible yourself?

If everyone interpreted the Bible themselves, then every Christian would believe something else.

But there is only a proper interpretation of the Bible.

In the Bible we do not know the truth if we do not know the spirit of the Church. In the Timothy Letter we read that the Church is the pillar and the foundation of truth. The Holy Apostle Peter tells us: “You should know above all that no prophecy in Scripture is a matter of own interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). The Church is the pillar and the foundation of truth, and only the Church can interpret Holy Scripture.

27 days ago
Reply to  TrbnKwck

Then tell me what he means you “expert” 😂

27 days ago

Both churches have the same roots and have split into two only after over 1000 years.

Many patriarchates were together a church.

Until the patriarchate split off from Rome and became its own church.

The other patriarchates are still together and surrender the Orthodox Church.

Rome split by excommunicating the other patriarchates.

And that the Catholic Church has really changed the teachings is still strongly controversial today.

This is historical fact.

The division between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, often referred to as the Great Shoshma of 1054, led to many changes in the Catholic Church. Here are some important aspects that have changed after this division:

Popehood: The Catholic Church strengthened the authority of the Pope and considered him as the leader of all Christianity, while the Orthodox Churches maintained a system of patriarchs.

Teaching and dogma: The Catholic Church developed new dogmas, such as the Immaculate Conception and the Pope’s infallibility, which are not accepted in the Orthodox Church.

Liturgy: The Catholic liturgy was reformed and standardized, especially after the Council of Trent in 16th. Century, while the Orthodox Church largely preserved its liturgical traditions.

Sakramente: The Catholic Church defined the sacraments and their number (especially the seven sacraments) more clearly, while the Orthodox Church has a somewhat different view of sacraments.

Theology: There was a stronger emphasis on the scholastic theology in the Catholic Church, especially in the Middle Ages, while the Orthodox tradition emphasizes more mystical and patristic elements.

Cult of the saints: While both churches cultivate the saints, the Catholic Church developed specific practices and celebrations that are not always common in the Orthodox tradition.

Festivals and holidays: The Catholic Church has introduced or modified some feasts that do not exist in the Orthodox Church or are celebrated differently.

Image language: The Catholic Church has different approaches to the use of images and statues in worship in various periods, which led to a different practice compared to the Orthodox iconography.

Marriage and celibacy: The Catholic Church has introduced the celibacy for priests, while married priests are allowed in the Orthodox Church as long as they are married before the consecration.

27 days ago

Both churches have the same roots and have split into two only after over 1000 years.

The rest of your assertion is exactly that: an assertion. A strong simplification of a complex process. And that the Catholic Church has really changed the teachings is still strongly controversial today.

27 days ago

Who is the Church of God? In principle, the Catholic Church allows such marriages as long as the Christian partner can continue to live out his faith.

The Roman Catholic Church certainly not.

She has changed from the Orthodox Church and many teachings from then.

The Orthodox Church is the original church that has almost not changed and was founded by the Apostles personally.

27 days ago

The Catholic Church no longer follows the teachings of the Bible. Muslims are unbelievers from a biblical point of view and from a biblical point of view, Islam is a religion of the devil whether you want it or not. Let’s talk about it again.

27 days ago

Who is the Church of God? In principle, the Catholic Church allows such marriages as long as the Christian partner can continue to live out his faith.

Btw. Falling Muslims also not under the category unbelieving. But that’s always hard to understand when you abuse the church for a strange hat, instead of what it should really stand for.

27 days ago

Christianity is not as intolerant as Christ can you have a relationship with a person no matter what other religion or enter into a marriage.

The question is what your Muslim family says…

27 days ago
Reply to  Chumacera

That’s not true.

27 days ago
Reply to  assyrian

Then I know why I quit the church.

27 days ago

You can. As the other, especially the family, see, stands on another sheet.

27 days ago

You can be a Christian. Conversely not

27 days ago

As regards the marriage with Muslims, Islam traditionally has a system of asymmetric endogamy: while Muslim men are allowed to marry Jewish and Christian women, Muslim women are not allowed to marry with non-Muslim men. of%20Eheschlie%C3%9Fung%20 with%20Muslimen,not%2Dmuslimen%20M%C3%A4nern%20not%20.

27 days ago

if the other believers accept you why not?

27 days ago

No way.

“Don’t stand in a strange yoke with unbelievers! For what have justice and lawlessness to create? And what does the light have for communion with darkness? How does Christ agree with Belial? Or what does the believer have in common with the unbelievers?”

! Korinther‬ А‭ ‬: OLD14‬ А15

27 days ago
Reply to  TheFinnair12

But it is unbelievable from a biblical view because it does not believe that Jesus is God. Don’t do that, it won’t work

27 days ago
Reply to  assyrian

Doesn’t help to quote Bible verses that you didn’t understand.

27 days ago
Reply to  TrbnKwck

You didn’t understand the Bible.

27 days ago

The Muslims make Jesus Christ a prophet, are you serious or are you doing jokes here? Every person with a common sense understands that it is not right as a Christian to marry someone who follows a religion that offends Christians as the worst creatures.

27 days ago

The Second Vatican Council (1965) emphasizes that Muslims believe in one God who was revealed to Abraham, and therefore have a certain spiritual connection with Christians (Lumen Gentium, No. 16).

So you’re taking a verdict on cases that contradicts the Vatican as the highest authority? Courageous. I hope you’re not a Catholic. Otherwise, I’d go to church and ask for forgiveness.

27 days ago

Are you serious? Muslims are unbelievers from a biblical view, as they do not believe that Jesus is God. No one is interested in what the Catholic Church permits, which do not follow completely the Bible anyway. From a biblical perspective, Islam is a religion of the devil, why should it be allowed to marry a Muslim?

27 days ago

Unlike you. The mistake begins with the word “infidel”, Muslims are not infidel. Even the Catholic Church allows such marriages.