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2 years ago

Basically, if the parents agree. But whether this is advisable is another question. Even as an adult, I sometimes feel somewhat uncomfortable in trains at night. Depending on what train on which route it is, this may be more or less problematic.

350 km are now not a very wide route. What about a ride during the day?

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolf42

We were just visiting friends at the time, in St-Eigidien, when this very tragic incident came (in plain terms):

2 years ago

Your parents would have to allow and answer that. That’s okay.

2 years ago

Rightly yes, the track is no matter how young you are, but your parents must allow it.

2 years ago

I would not allow this as a person entitled to care without an appropriate supervisor.

On the one hand, because of the night drive, this is already dangerous when the wrong passenger is sitting on the train.

Consider that, depending on the railway station, these are unfortunately not so rare, are places of crime activities.

What kind of friend is that? Do your parents know these and the parents? What do their parents say?

Or is this just a friendship from social media?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bertha2701

Helicopter nut? also your link, something like that can happen. but that’s why my children are NOT restricted.

The Nigjtjet about which it is likely is a night train not a regional express. There are a minimum of 3 train attendees plus train head and board staff on board who also has sleeping cars.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

Helicopter mother?

I can deny this, but someone who is relentlessly considering how far the duties / supervisory obligations should go as a parent.

For example, I had no problem with my 16-year-old daughter making a holiday in Greece with 18 year-old girlfriend.

She later spent 3 weeks in London, over the school with a host family.

But I also know these and there was a certain maturity.

But this is about a 12-year-old child, who wants to be alone in the night, and you don’t even know if this is a real life friendship, whether the parents do what they do.

Perhaps this child wants to get on the way without the parents’ knowledge, if we just tell him here, yes you are. Without further questioning, I think a simple answer, is grossly negligent.

You have also indicated that there should be permission from parents.

It’s the next missing person who could go out if the child doesn’t come home and is gone overnight.

And you as an expert also know that on the train unfortunately there is no option to order a caregiver as when flying. At least not according to my current knowledge.

Of course, you can never exclude anything 100%, but you don’t have to challenge it.

2 years ago

No law.

2 years ago

Do you only know them from pictures? If so, leave it.

2 years ago

Have you ever asked your parents? I can’t imagine they’ll allow it.