Darf jemand der die Notbremse im Zug zum Spaß zieht sofort rausgeworfen werden?
Oder muss der Zug noch zum Bahnhof fahren wobei der Typ jedesmal nach paar km wieder die Notbremse zieht. Ps kam wirklich vor und sie haben ihn erst am Bahnhof abgeführt.
Abuse of an emergency facility is punishable and is actually on top of it. But where do you want to take the law enforcement if far and wide is not even a road yet. The person will have been threatened with the consequences of their actions, even more often to repeat the wrong action, the penalty may increase significantly.
With a little more stress for the train attendants, the interim arrest could have already been explained on the train and, in the event of a renewed infringement, a restraint or the like would be threatened. Then the person could have been locked in the service compartment, for example. But: A lot of stress, physical confrontation and, if necessary, defences of legal consequences. It was easier and more harmless.
ne was not he also took the emergency hammer and hit several large discs. the train could not continue at the next railway station due to excessive damage
just wondering why he didn’t jump out of the window after the emergency braking and ran off
probably he was held to jump out by the two more guns, it costs overcoming. but they could not prevent him from grasping the emergency hammer and pulling the emergency brake several times.
Persons may leave a train on a free line outside a railway station or stop point only in case of emergency, for example when it burns. Everything else would be too dangerous.
If such a delinquent would be exposed directly on a free route, then he could not be held responsible for his deed (unless he had specified his personalities). So it was organized so that the police took him to the station.
However, the train’s sheepsman would have had to watch up to the station that the perpetrator did not once again actuate the emergency brake.
Now get out of the rails before the train. Dad would be for all to be scared. No, he’s driving until the next step to record the data.
He stays on the train until the next station, because the federal police will take care of him.
You can’t just throw a person out in the middle of a track.
That means someone could stop the train coming to the station at all in an audible time. Through continuous emergency brake
well, at some point, someone will make it dingfest and then encased at the station