Darf ich Wegen zu vielen krankheitstagen von der Schule verwiesen werden?
ich hatte die Situation jetzt schon einige Male, das ich krank war (also Übelkeit, Fieber, husten, Halsschmerzen usw. Das volle Programm), meine mutter mich aber nicht zuhause bleiben lassen wollte, weil ich in diesem Schuljahr schon einmal für 2 Wochen gefehlt habe und sie meinte, dass ich der Schule verwiesen werde, wenn ich zu viele fehltage habe (sogar wenn diese von den Erziehungsberechtigten entschuldigt wurden). Ist das wahr ?
It’s an absolute nonsense. These aren’t too many bad days. At that time I had a lot more bad days u. I just got a clue that my training would be endangered. That’s all that happened. At that time, it was bullying and all the wreaths caused by bullying. Stress has occurred, among other things, the usual. I don’t know why your mother is so afraid of you. It is true that it takes compulsory schooling seriously, because the more bad days, the more difficult it will be to go to school and reach the class goal. But the few bits of bad days is a joke. So many aren’t. There was no problem at school. I wouldn’t go to school with fever and nausea or severe throat pain. My nursing mother was so exhausting. I was in the 1st grade and I had to pass all night until early hours. Nevertheless, the nursing mother sent me to school. What happened. Well, it went to the school bench sometime, to my school book… The teacher called to the nursing mother when she called for me. Well, it did. For that, I was beaten by the nursing mother. It’s like shed parents or nurses. If it’s not so bad, I would still go to school, but if it’s too bad like fever, nausea with surrender or too strong nausea, the danger is to surrender and if the cycle is weakened or you are too weakened, then I wouldn’t go. But if there are now only coughs, colds, lighter throat pains, which do not cause nausea and no surrender, and the circulation is not stable, I would still go to school.
Who told her this bullshit? If you lack too many notes due to mistakes, it can happen that you may need to repeat the class, even more not. But you’re still far away from it with two weeks. A friend of mine was more often than there (sickness) and still packed the classes.
As long as everything is excused, it’s not a problem.
What about two weeks? A real flu has been two weeks. You can’t do anything if you’re sick and two weeks is really not much! I used to be in school in the 8-class 12 weeks due to mental illnesses and even there was not yet critical. Don’t worry about it!
I also see that in such an unfair answer. Two weeks are really nix.
There is compulsory schooling, which is why a reference from school is not to be counted.
However, too many flaws can cause the class goal not to be reached and a shift cannot take place. The class would have to be repeated.
But not for 2 weeks. It must be a lot more weeks.
You can get up for two weeks. Especially because you can get the tasks online today. Either from fellow students or directly from the teachers.