Darf ich Radlader mit klasse B fahren?
darf ich einen Radlader mit einem Führerschein klasse B fahren ?
Ich möchten den dann im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr bewegen
bis 3,5 Tonnen oder gilt da was anderes ?
Traktor kann ich doch auch fahren.
Ich denke, bis 20 km darf ich da so einiges über 3,5 Tonnen fahren.
Würde mich um ein paar Antworten freuen.
bis wie viel Tonnen usw
Up to 3.5 tons you can drive all wheel loaders that have a valid operating or single operating permit and equipped for road traffic.
Up to 25 km/h, you can drive all wheel loaders if they have a valid operating or individual operating permit and are permitted. Do not forget TÜV and CO! Equipment for participation in road transport must be given.
All over 25 km/h is only class T, but only for agriculture and forestry purposes.
So up to 25km/h no problem – weight does not matter.
The speed does not matter up to 3.5T.
Commercial or private? If commercial, the construction machine or bypass-language wheel loader certificate would be necessary. Is as similar to the industrial truck license.
Wheel loader licence: What class is necessary here? (bussgeld-info.de)
no 30 seconds by search engine
Thank you. So I could also move a 20 tons wheel loader on public road. I have class B and L
I hope you can answer my stupid question
until 20km/h yes, is the article