Can I still smoke weed if I take antidepressants?
Hey! I've recently started taking antipressants (prescribed), and I was wondering if I can/should still smoke weed? Thanks in advance!
Hey! I've recently started taking antipressants (prescribed), and I was wondering if I can/should still smoke weed? Thanks in advance!
A cannabis plant was planted in a flowerpot in the room. There are two guinea pigs in this room. The plant is not big now either. Sure, it was planted in August but it's not big yet. It's probably because the light's timer didn't turn off automatically. The plant almost died, but I saved it,…
A few days ago I started taking antidepressants. Escitalopram. My thoughts of revenge are less intense now. So, I'm not overreacting emotionally.
his weight is about 90KG
I smoked weed a lot and often between the ages of 18 and 19.5. From the age of 19.5 I slipped into harder drugs like Spice, Speed, Ectsey/MDMA and then at 20 I finally got hooked on LSD and had a horror trip and have since been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. I'm 28 now and…
Hi, I'm 14 and this morning at around 8 o'clock I smoked a joint with weed, ott and tobacco with a few friends. It was the second time I've smoked weed and it always feels so unreal to me, as if I'm just dreaming the whole thing. I slept for five hours afterwards and then…
For years I have been asking myself why drug substitution therapy only exists for opiates/opioids. The patients remain dependent – the street heroin is simply replaced by other opioids. I am aware of the advantages: health, a structured life, avoiding crime, etc. I'm not criticizing that at all. I just wonder why with all other…
The problem is that several substances with strong effects, which are taken at the same time, can increase the effect of each other. For example, if one takes antidepressants and eliminates a substance that eliminates inhibitions, it could cause one to find the power to really kill oneself. I don’t really know.
If such effects are known, you will find it in scientifically sound databases under the keyword Interactions.
could reverse or worsen the action of the antidepressant.
If you have to take prescription drugs, you should not consume any drugs. Drugs must be advised anyway. Think about your health.
If you can, then you have to bear the consequences.