Darf ich ne Airsoft mit in die Schule nehmen?
Jo, also auch ohne Munition, einfach nur die Airsoft um Leute zu pranken oder so. Denkt ihr des geht, danke
Jo, also auch ohne Munition, einfach nur die Airsoft um Leute zu pranken oder so. Denkt ihr des geht, danke
Hallo, ich würde gerne den Beruf Immobilien Kaufmann ausüben bin mir aber nicht sicher ob ich das Fach Abi in Fachrichtung Wirtschaft machen soll. Ich habe viele unterschiedliche Meinungen gehört, was sagt ihr dazu?
Also im Sinne vom Gewicht und nicht der Schwierigkeit… Der Übersetzer sagt difícil aber das ist auf Deutsch eben schwierig. Z.B. Wenn man jz sagt Der Junge ist schwerer als der andere Junge, wie würde des auf Spanisch heissen? Dankee im Voraus 🙂
Eine Argumentationseinleitung zu sollten Zoos abgeschafft werden?
darf man in der Mengede Bibliothek für die Schule lernen? LG sophie
Hey ich suche eine Softair Pistole AEP semi/Auto mit guter Qualität und brauche Rat meine letzte Softair Für gut Geld Ist der Knopf vom Magazin Drop rausgefallen und ging später kaputt und war frisch geliefert , dies machte mich traurig und war enttäuscht ich hoffe jemand kann mir weiter helfen. MFG Timo
Sorry, but this question really shoots the bird in terms of stupidity. What happens when someone is seen with a gun near a school?
Right, a hard-armed SEK is moving on to eliminate the threat. They’ll push you to the ground faster with a mouth on your head than you can call “It’s a prank, bro”.
In addition, such a project would be at least fines…
At such a corner, you should put the whole thing in the criminal corner. With such numbers, the whole thing has to look more in the OWi. Even the stupidity of such an idea should be punished….
If you want to be punished? https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/waffg_2002/__42a.html
NO!!! Don’t worry, there’s plenty of people who keep pulling this sport through such garbage.
And all that comes after legal punishment would not be very helpful to your future career.
And you are absolutely right: Just such idiots/three actions will break your/heir sport, because unlike the FS you are serious & know what you are doing – an honest/real DANKE for it
Don’t ask what that was for the last 20 years for an up and down for the sport. Unfortunately, it’s getting worse for the last few years. But maybe it will be better again….where the fields are open again.
I think your sport is a modified playful form of parts of our trainings; Team spirit, tactics, etc
On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing negative to say, as long as it is done seriously.
My person is not particularly suitable for this because my brain immediately switches to working mode (approximately 27 years in the job, plus several real hits into the “black” {internat.}, I think you know what I mean).
I very much hope the FS got here due to the many reactions/responses & leaves its planned idiot!
Thank you. One of the biggest problems besides such hollow bulbs as the FS is the assumption that we are playing war. What Airsoft really is, of course, have very little idea (team sports).
I can at least imagine, as I had to deal with such subjects as the FS on a professional basis; such people bring your sport into play, since unfortunately only too much everyone is happy to be beaten over a comb:(
I hope for you/Euch that in future it will be a bit calmer & better, you will not be thrown into the same pot with such idiots.
Most people obviously understand the (elementary!) Differences not: There are us, we train for the serious case (I have already = targeted/accurate firing), there are zb you, you hang your sport clean & safe and then there are still such as the FS. Completely different things, however they are called too much in 1 breath & this idR also completely distorted…:(
Unfortunately there are always prejudices & everywhere😕🤷
I’ll push you the thumbs
Contrary to my other spelling, I will be a bit clearer with you:
I almost shot such an idiot two years ago!
If you are seeing a weapon on the school grounds or elsewhere in the public & You are also struggling with it, this can be understood to be a serious threat situation.
Accordingly, such nice black-lined people come to the train (where I belong) & You see in several barrels of (usually) long weapons, each of these arms being already on the trigger – and we didn’t waste any woollen balls! And one thing you should understand: we are trained for it & none of us hesitate to shoot if it should be necessary because it is about protecting innocents & a softair cannot be recognized as such; that means we’re going out of a real loaded weapon that’s in the hands of a Putativamok runner.
Understand what I want – for your sake I strongly advise you of such an endless stupid idea/action; the impunity will present your smallest problem at this moment (first).
(Standard CH)
this is not possible without ammunition, it is forbidden to conduct firearms!
Yes, if you want to fly out and probably pay for a police deployment, then in any case.
I don’t think that’s what the house order does.
In addition, this is forbidden, that means you would have to transport it in a closed container
Not seriously?
Except the school ID and the ad will also destroy the weapon!
Don’t you even know you can’t walk around with that?
Not at all in a school!
Once in any case, after that you get rid of the part, you get a lot of trouble.
I’m your fan.
Thanks Cartman, it means a lot to me! I am also your fan