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So I always have a set of replacement lights on board (also fuses). If a headlight fails, I stop and replace the defective light source.
If one is stopped by the police because of the defective lighting and has replacement parat and can fix the error immediately, nothing happens…then the bully is happy…
If the other is broken: Yes, to the next workshop. You don’t have to leave the car as a rule.
If what? At night you will always drive with passing beam, possibly with high beam as an addition.
With one?
In the car?
If one is broken, you can still drive. But then at least the standing light on this side should still work so that you don’t get confused with a motorcycle.
Of course, in this case, you can also switch on the fog lights if present.
However, in principle, you must eliminate the problem as soon as possible.
No you can’t if one is broken, this is an offence.
So you mean you have to stop at night and leave the car standing?
If you don’t want to buy a fine, yes.
I am consciously driving with a defective passing beam and say this even in a control, the fine is doubled due to 🤷 ♂️
If you say so.
That’s not true. In some vehicles it is not possible to change the bulb itself. But to break a ride is not necessary.
Sure, if the other one’s broken.
If you see enough, you can also use the passing beam on the bike…