Darf ich morgen Zuhause bleiben?

Ich hatte am Mittwoch eine Zeh Operation wegen eines eingewachsenen Nagels, es tat schon nach 30Minuten nach der OP verdammt weh sodass ich nur noch vor Schmerzen rumsaß. Die Nacht auf den Donnerstag konnte ich wegen den Schmerzen nicht einshchlafen. Der Arzt hat mir nur eine Schulbefreiung bis Donnerstag gegeben. Aber ich habe noch Schmerzen und Humpel stark beim Laufen.
Vorallem muss ich morgen dann ja noch Socken und Schuhe anziehen was mit dem Verband sehr eng ist und glaube echt weh tut.

Kann ich oder sollte ich mich morgen noch selbst Entschuldigen nachdem ich 2 Tage befreiung vom Arzt bekommen habe was nur bis Donnerstag geht?
Oder sollte ich einfach zur Schule

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1 year ago

Normally you get two, three days of school release with such a small surgery, normally it would have been that the doctor writes you ill by Friday.

But if you have a school release for Thursday and say that you had an surgery then it will normally not be a problem if you just call in the secretariat tomorrow that you still have pain.

1 year ago

Just call the doctor and get a follow-up certificate. Take a break and wait until you get back to school. LG

1 year ago

You better stay there, tormenting you into school for a school day in pain is not worth it.

If you really want school a certificate, you can also submit it, or in the doctor’s office they’ll send it right to school.

1 year ago

If it hurts so much that you can’t get out of the door, you should go up your foot for another day.

Let’s get you some crocs two sizes over normal, then it fits with the bandage

1 year ago

Better stay home. Get a follow-up certificate. Since Friday is, there will be absolutely no one against.

1 year ago

Tomorrow is a holiday in most federal states. Most of them stay home.

1 year ago
Reply to  Glueckwunsch49

Believe only in Berlin, in most federal states tomorrow is quite normal Friday.

1 year ago
Reply to  Toni9568

And in M-V. Thanks for the info

1 year ago

is a holiday, good comes to the federal state.

1 year ago

When I had that, I stayed home for 5 days

kami1a, UserMod Light


The doctor gave me a school release until Thursday. But I still have pain and hump strong running.

Then look again past the doctor, it can also be another

Good improvement

1 year ago

Chill home. Fridays can usually be kicked into the ton.