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2 years ago

So if we leave the guy (KTM/husquvana) away. you need to think about what the pre-conditions for the A2 are

  • a citation: ratio of power to weight max. 0,2 kW/kg;

if we convert this to the average weight (in average the maschins have 105-120 kg)- you would be at a maximum of 20-24 kw.

to the KTMs:

the 300 is a 2 tacter= road registration thus only with a maximum of 14 kw (by the strict EU abatement regulations- it would exceed with more KW that exceed limit values)

the 350 – is already possible as described above for the A2 with 20 kw. later for the A-show, you can then open it to 28-31 kw. But you don’t get a completely open performance (the theme= Eu-Abga regulations again)

2 years ago

No, the EXCs cannot be entered openly.

2 years ago

in the competition machinery

there is no road permit, so no ticket is required.

2 years ago
Reply to  peterobm

the EXc are competition-enduros- they need to give the FIN a road permit to participate in Etqappen (but is only an allibi permit).

So EXC (competitive-enduro) = yes, road registration possible( comes to the TYP, but only very tightly throttled)

ktm SX series( competition motocross machines)= there it is- the get no road registration

2 years ago

Check out the Griesser Motorsport website. They make performance entries for the 350-500s of KTM and Husqvarna. Unfortunately, the 300s cannot be entered with more performance. Otherwise, everything on the website is subject to performance entries.

2 years ago

If you have the ticket, you should know, otherwise you should take a few more hours at the driving school.

2 years ago
Reply to  Theocdg133

there are no KTMs openly entered in the competition machines