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So if we leave the guy (KTM/husquvana) away. you need to think about what the pre-conditions for the A2 are
if we convert this to the average weight (in average the maschins have 105-120 kg)- you would be at a maximum of 20-24 kw.
to the KTMs:
the 300 is a 2 tacter= road registration thus only with a maximum of 14 kw (by the strict EU abatement regulations- it would exceed with more KW that exceed limit values)
the 350 – is already possible as described above for the A2 with 20 kw. later for the A-show, you can then open it to 28-31 kw. But you don’t get a completely open performance (the theme= Eu-Abga regulations again)
No, the EXCs cannot be entered openly.
there is no road permit, so no ticket is required.
the EXc are competition-enduros- they need to give the FIN a road permit to participate in Etqappen (but is only an allibi permit).
So EXC (competitive-enduro) = yes, road registration possible( comes to the TYP, but only very tightly throttled)
ktm SX series( competition motocross machines)= there it is- the get no road registration
Check out the Griesser Motorsport website. They make performance entries for the 350-500s of KTM and Husqvarna. Unfortunately, the 300s cannot be entered with more performance. Otherwise, everything on the website is subject to performance entries.
If you have the ticket, you should know, otherwise you should take a few more hours at the driving school.
Well, in the competition machines, 0.2kw per kilogram weight of the machine applies. But some are driving them openly
there are no KTMs openly entered in the competition machines