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Within Germany, you can take train from 6 years of age if your parents or Parents can be responsible for your development. If the train staff has any doubt that you may be on your own, it can inform the federal police.
When traveling abroad, you should ask the relevant message or the like if there are any further requirements. Depending on the country, for example, a declaration of consent of your guardians may be required, which may even have to be officially/notarially certified. A passport/child travel pass is then necessary.
A lot of disciples.
Alone children from 6-15 Years get a 50% discount on the travel price…
I guess that’s what I should say.
Entry conditions (i.e. if you exceed a state limit within the EU) are another issue.
Yes, you can.
I also drove from abroad to Germany this summer alone ICE and that was no problem. also 15.
LG and good trip.
Of course you can go alone with the ICE with 15! 😎
Good trip & pleasure! 🚆
LG 🤗
Of course you can.
Long distances too? Zb from Rheinland Pfalz to Hamburg?
I think so.
Yes with valid ticket
…clear if your parents allow.