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You could ask your parents if they could sell it for you. This would go under 18 but you can’t have an account with Classifieds yourself, but you could use it together with your parents. The same is true when buying if you agree to it then you can buy it.
ebay says: terms and conditions of use of the German ebay services?id=4259#section2
Classifieds (no longer related to ebay) is no longer so explicit: terms/
In principle, you can do something about classifieds. The wig is, however, §107 BGB.
Doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on with classifieds without parents’ consent!
Buy + sell to get profit, for that is a Approval and you won’t get it with 14J. You’re almost a kid.
For a trade registration you have to fully operational be.
No, you can’t. But it’s in all necessary terms. Just read and understand. Classifieds, Ebay ., Paypal are all from 18 years old.
In addition, you would also like to act commercially. This is also only possible from 18 onwards.
You are best advised by the IHK in your area. There you will get all the information you need.
even if I only trade privately?
What did you not understand about my answer? So I’m trying so hard to write this, and you don’t get it.
Classifieds may be used by minors. (If they wish to trade commercially, they need a commercial certificate.)
If you want to buy goods to sell them, you need a commercial license. You will receive it with the consent of the family court and the consent of your parents.
If you just want to buy for you and sell your old stuff, you can.