Darf Ich mir der Prüfbescheinigung Auto fahren?

Hallo zusammen, Ich habe letzte Woche meine Fahrerlaubnisprüfung für Klasse B bestanden und vom TÜV Prüfer dieses Dokument für die Führerscheinstelle erhalten.

Nun habe Ich erst in einem Monat einen Termin beim Landratsamt bekommen, um mein Führerschein zu bekommen. Kann Ich mit dem Dokument jetzt trotzdem schon Auto fahren oder nicht?

Und was würde passieren, wenn Ich jetzt trotzdem fahre und erwischt werde?

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1 year ago

Hi, no, you need a driving permit for driving. This shall not be deemed to be granted unless you are granted a driving licence or a provisional driving licence by the authority.

With this TÜV’s cell, it’s not a driver’s license. Actually, this shouldn’t have any misunderstandings.

If you still drive, you would commit the crime of driving without a driving permit. In addition to a fine, this can cost you your new driver’s license.

1 year ago

No, the driving licence is deemed to be granted only if you have received your driving licence from the Landratamt against signature.

1 year ago

With us in NRW, the examiner issues the FS directly after passing the test. Unless you do A and B and that on different days. And even then, the next day, you will receive provisional FS issued to the competent authority!

1 year ago

No, you can’t. It says “Don’t be a driving license.” So you don’t have a driving permit.

What I ask myself: Why does it take so long that the driving licence is granted? My son was on the day after the passing examination to the admission office and had a provisional FE issued. (Niedersachsen)

1 year ago

No, this is just a confirmation of the passed examination.

It’s on the note.

And what would happen if I were still driving and getting caught?

Criminal proceedings according to StVG §21: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stvg/__21.html

1 year ago

It’s very big: “Don’t be a driving license!”
What is not understandable?

1 year ago

You can read, can you?

What is fat and fat on the letter?

And what would happen if I were still driving and getting caught?


1 year ago


What is it?

1 year ago

what is on the note

does not serve as a driving licence. therefore

if you get caught. Crime. Driving without valid driving license. that has not yet been granted.