Darf ich meine Mobile Daten beim fliegen anhaben?

Hey, morgen fliege ich das erste mal und kenne mich leider überhaupt nicht aus. Ich möchte gerne während meines Fluges Musik hören aber das geht leider nur mit Mobilen Daten.Darf ich meine Mobilen Daten beim Flug anmachen oder muss ich sie ausmachen?

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1 year ago

Most airlines require flight mode only during start and landing. Your mobile fats do not take advantage of your germ reception during the flight. With long-range cabins, you can buy a data packet for Wi-Fi at many airlines, but this is quite expensive and too slow to stream normally.

Therefore, best download music for the flight accordingly beforehand. You can use a Bluetooth headphone after the start.

1 year ago
Reply to  angie507558

What are you streaming music with?

1 year ago

As a rule, phones are to be switched to flight mode during the flight, i.e. the mobile data is out. Depending on the flight, there are evtl wlan (free or just chargeable)… but even if you should leave the data, you probably wouldn’t get a reception anyway, so don’t make any sense

1 year ago

No, you put your devices in flight mode – that’s prescribed. However, some aircraft have Wi-Fi – depending on the booking class, this costs.

1 year ago

Normally, you have to turn the phone into the flight mode, which means that it does not try to log into the normal cell phone network.

After a short climb, however, it doesn’t matter because the mobile phone network stops well below the normal flight altitude and you can only go online via the Wifi (if available).

1 year ago

You usually don’t have a network connection on the plane. .