Darf ich Lufthansa verklagen weil ich in Lounge kein Essen bekommen habe?


gestern bin ich von Frankfurt nach Hamburg geflogen. Ich war in LH Lounge. Es gab dort kein Essen.

Nur beim Verlassen wurde mir Dnackbag mit Kaffee in die Hand gedruckt.

Diese durfte ich im Wartebereich des Gates konsumieren.

Darf ich jz alufthansa verklagen?

Als Businessflieger musste ich Kaffee und ein Sandwich vorm Gate konsumieren. Wie ein Kind. Das ist unter meiner Würde.

Wofür zahle ich Geld für einen Businessflug. Was soll das?

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4 years ago

Would definitely sue. You can take what you wrote as an indictment. You don’t need a lawyer. This is clearly and error-free. Above all, the argument of dignity should convince. No one wants to get in touch with people while they’re being eaten. This is shameful and so MUST will be prevented. I’m shocked. Hope Lufthansa will be accounted for this atrocities.

4 years ago
Reply to  Annaann777

Probably they will be smashed into 3-4 smaller airlines and distributed the shares to all business class planes.

4 years ago

Hanging? Gastronomy is currently closed due to regulatory requirements. The only thing that’s gonna happen is laughing at you. (I started this before.) I definitely don’t see anything from you.

4 years ago

People like you make sure there are more and more misalarms at the Troll detector.

As a business flyer, I had to consume coffee and a sandwich in front of the gate. Like a child. That’s under my dignity.

Really? Are you serious? But do what you can’t leave – much fun.

4 years ago

Surely you may sue Lufthansa, that is (still) a free country.

I wouldn’t expect too much of it.

For probably the judge will also say that such a process is under his dignity.

Seriously, you’re not serious here, are you?

4 years ago

May I sue jz alufthansa?

Everyone can sue anyone. Why not? Just do it.

As a business flyer, I had to consume coffee and a sandwich in front of the gate.

No, you didn’t. You were free to give up the stuff.

Like a child.

If you can’t eat decent, that’s your thing.

That’s under my dignity.

Since when is eating under any dignity?

4 years ago

Did you acquire a securitized right to performance? If so, have you tried to enforce this right? With what result?

Of course, you can sue Lufthansa for all kinds of things. It’s your money that you’re throwing out to the window.

4 years ago
Reply to  dumbo77

“Did you acquire a securitized right to benefit?” Even if there is a legal impossibility with the official regulation to close the gastronomy. https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bgb/_275.html

4 years ago

Sure you can. Good luck.

4 years ago

Gastronomy is closed just because of the Corona conditions! This also applies to the Lufthansa Lounge.

But you can try to sue Lufthansa because you had to start a 1h flight without eating in the lounge

4 years ago

You can try everything, but if you’d sue here, you’d be an exaggerated fool. You always go up from the bottom. The first point of contact would certainly be any complaint area of the airline. Often you get a small compensation, such as a voucher, the flight line. But honestly, you don’t have to enforce every right and “invite” any inconvenience, and be it only with the appeal. Especially as a business flyer, you can look for a lot of things and prepare yourself by carrying, for example, durable snacks such as nuts and a drink.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tasha

The Lufthansa’s response will be a “we’re sorry” but also a right of clear “The operation of gastronomy is currently prohibited due to regulatory regulations on corona control.” Inside, the working person will laugh at the questioner. It’s just like that right now. He can complain as much as he wants.

4 years ago

I recommend the European Court of Human Rights.

4 years ago
Reply to  earnest

PS: What is this question? Little joke?

4 years ago
Reply to  earnest

It sounds like ArunKong for me.

4 years ago

Is it…

4 years ago

It’s good. We know the mash.

The troll smell is also there…

4 years ago

If you find a place in the promotional contract where you are guaranteed a three-course menu, you can sue it.

But you’re telling stories anyway. No one with mind booked on short distances under an hour business class.

4 years ago
Reply to  juliakanta

You’re a fairy tale counter….

4 years ago

Exactly, clearly recognizing, at the heart’s desire to promote the German economy….

4 years ago

A fairy tale counter, formerly known as ArunKong

Kris, UserMod Light
4 years ago

Hello Karen,

You can plainly complain, but how to be supplied in the lounges also always depends on the current situation. And if there’s no food in the lounges because of Corona, you have no chance to win the suit. The airline has almost completely free hand.

4 years ago

May I sue jz alufthansa?

If you have time to waste.

4 years ago

Oh BabyTroll, business flight for trial day and then such a common.

You can’t sue anyone, even if you’re losing the PT as feared before lsuter DRAMAAA.


4 years ago

That the gastronomy is closed?

4 years ago

Why don’t you complain here in gf ? Do you want to profile yourself here as a business class? Or is that just a fake?! Is anything but resource-saving and climate-neutral to fly short distance. When flying to Rome, I would expect a lunch, but not to HH.

4 years ago

What do I pay for a business flight

No one asked for you.

Dnackbag with coffee

If I had refused.

Did you first ask if the lounge is open?


I’m sure they’re gonna knock it out.


4 years ago

First of all, save your pocket money a subway map for the journey to the airport. Then you’ve been as close as ever to the business class of an airplane.

And then ask less silly questions in the future.

3 years ago

W R D E???????

4 years ago

Ever heard of covid 19 and anti-money footage?

You’re not the brightest candle on the lamp, are you?

4 years ago

The question alone is a nausea as well as a domestic flight

4 years ago

Aren’t you worried?

4 years ago

It is recently forbidden to serve the passengers on the plane during the flight. I read that in a newspaper the other day. It’s Corona. You should take the mask off for dinner. I guess you don’t want to risk passengers getting in with Corona.

Kris, UserMod Light
4 years ago
Reply to  Woropa

It is not about the flight, but the stay in the lounge before.

4 years ago

also operating cans are currently closed

4 years ago

then stay healthy.

Kris, UserMod Light
4 years ago

That would be new to me. I’ll go to dinner every day.

4 years ago

Didn’t anyone as a child have been pressed enough?

Dude, come down from your high horse. Would? The question here alone is mega embarrassing and sign of a very small spirit?

You got food. You pay for the promotion and not to get food there because Mutti didn’t pack you a bread in the ransom.

Of course you can sue Lufthansa. If you have enough money for the Businessclass, you can probably also afford a lawyer. But you’re just making yourself ridiculous. Apparently, you don’t understand that in Corona times everything is a bit different.

Have you ever thought about having a bit of responsibility in your assumed role and being a good example? Think about it and forget your dignity. You don’t have one, you just have a decent deficit in your personality development.