Darf ich hier parken als „fremde“?


ich habe nicht so lange mein Führerschein und habe bisschen Angst, dass ich ein Strafzettel kriege etc.
ich wollte mal jemanden fragen der sich zu 100% auskennt und mir sagen kann ob ich hier am Sonntag kostenlos parken darf?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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2 years ago


as “Fremde/r” You can park there at work from 7am to 6pm in the evening with parking disc for max. 2 hours. Not overnight without residents parking card. On Sunday you can not stand there “foreign” between 0 a.m. to 23:59 without a resident ID.

You need to read such a sign tree from top to bottom.

– The restricted stop ban ends at the sign mast with arrow towards the sidewalk.

– At the same time, a parking zone begins with arrow to the roadway on the corresponding sign directly below.

– From sign 3 from above, the explanations for the “P-zone” begin because they are attached to this mast below the “P” sign.


1 year ago
Reply to  Fazi50


I have learned to read from bottom to top

2 years ago

As a “Fremde” you can workdays 7-18 h max. Parking for 2 hours!

Otherwise not! Not at all Sundays because “Sunday” is not “Workday”!