Darf ich Heilerde ins Flugzeug mitnehmen?
Ich bin zurzeit in den Ferien in Ungarn und möchte mir Heilerde kaufen, da es hier viel günstiger als in der Schweiz ist. Leider haben wir unseren Flug nur mit Handgepäck gebucht. Kann ich also meine Heilerde mitnehmen ins Flugzeug?
So no one cares about it in the plane. Most likely when entering Switzerland, if the customs prohibit the import of healerde. Who knows what’s in there 🤪 But I think everything in everything, even in the hand luggage, should be okay. It’s not a liquid.
This homoeopathic crap is also here, why come in? But yes, you must take it. If you’re happy.
I live in Switzerland and, as already said, this crap is expensive there
Where are you going? When you land in Basel, just go over to Lörrach with the S6 and get it here in the natural shop.