Darf ich eine OP ablehnen?
ich hatte am donnerstag, den 18.08 meine erste OP gehabt die ich auch ganz gut vertragen hab eigentlich. ich lag 2 tage lang mit einer drainage im bett die dann aber am dritten tag entfernt worden ist. am montag, dem 22.08 wurde mir dann von dem chefarzt gesagt das ich noch am selben tag nochmal in die op muss weil die ergebnisse nicht gut aussahen. heute ist der 2. tag nach meiner 2. op und nun liege ich hier mit 2 drainagen in meinem bauch und mir geht es grottenschlecht. ich hab den ganzen tag lang nichts runter bekommen weil die schläuche so drücken und mir ein extremes kotz gefühl geben. der arzt meinte gestern das, wenn die ergebnisse schon wieder schlecht aussehen, ich morgen wahrscheinlich in die 3. op muss. ich bin mir zu 100% sicher das ich die dritte op nicht schaffen werde. die zweite op hat mich schon mental und körperlich mega mitgenommen und auch der fakt das ich hier schon seit ner gesamten woche liege. kann ich die dritte op absagen wenn der arzt sagt das ich sie brauche?
Yes, according to the highest court case law, every medical medical intervention fulfills the criminal offence of the body injury within the meaning of §223 Criminal Code (StGB), most of the interventions even the criminal offence of the dangerous body injury within the meaning of §224 StGB, including an operation. The intervention is not criminal unless the patient has legal consent and the patient has received a corresponding clarification in advance to make his decision for or against the measure (§228 StGB in conjunction with §630d BGB and §630f BGB). A consent granted once, can also be revoked formlessly at any time and without giving reasons in accordance with § 630d paragraph 3 BGB. Thus, even shortly before the Narcose lead, one can refuse the intervention.
There are exceptions if the patient is unconscious and can no longer communicate and it is about life and death and there is no patient’s order, then the doctor may also operate without consent At the moment he has to decide for you!
Yes, that is correct. According to § 630d BGB, a measure can also be carried out without consent, exceptionally, provided that it is inconspicuous in time AND corresponds to the alleged will of the patient. However, I did not mention it, since it has no relevance in the specific case. Mf
Of course you have the right to reject an OP. It’s an intervention in your body, and you’re alone.
Whether it’s smart from a medical point of view is on another sheet.
I wish you better!
Depends on what the reason for the surgery is.
If you don’t have 3. I’d rather let her do it.
In principle, you may refuse the surgery if you are old enough to make the decision yourself.
You didn’t write what it was about.
Of course you are. If this is reasonable, I can’t even tell you about it. Without further knowledge of your problem, you cannot expect a satisfactory answer from medical lay people.
In principle, one advises a second expert opinion, which is difficult in a hospital, the colleague of the specialist will hardly contradict him, ask for a detailed discussion (I always had detailed discussions on my “leagues”), also on alternatives.
I wish you the right decision and good improvement!
Of course you can reject it is your body. You’re responsible for him.
The question is, why was the first and the second time operated?
Perhaps without surgery is worse than with??
I should only be removed a cyst, but during the op the annoyed have discovered an inflammation in my bauchraum and had to remove my blind intestine. in the 2nd op I had to go in because my inflammatory values in the blood were still quite high, so my mouth was flushed and I got 2 drains in so that the elder can flow in there. the doctor told me that if my blood values still look bad, I’m probably gonna have to get a 2nd flush tomorrow.
All right.
If you have high levels of inflammation and ecstasy in the abdomen, it’s quite threatening.
Logically, you don’t feel good.
I hope very much and expect you to be better tomorrow!
Finally a reasonable answer here. Thank you.
If you’re open, you can reject the surgery, but I wouldn’t do that in your place. It is obvious that there is still something wrong, and that is the case with the third. OP definitively corrected. Please say yes. It’s your best. I wish you all the best and before all soon complete recovery.
First of all I can fully understand you.
You should ask the doctors there what probably happens if no further abdominal flushing would be done.
Eiter – so some inflammatory herd is certainly not good in the body.
Sure, you can basically reject any op, just what is it? What do you or your body do, for example, with the rest of the Eiter?
So what you need is a Plan B, if you have the op not and if you are the do not have, should and will you probably have to do it or badly.
Maybe the blood values are even better – it is important that you come out alive there.
I wish you patience with the doctors and a wise decision – unfortunately you will these No one can take off here.
Good and good improvement
Sorry. But you’re probably not aware of the danger of pussy infection at all.
You can bend these advice here. Forget it.
the inflammatory must be removed surgically, the disease is already too advanced.
there is no other alternative.
I’m pretty sure the Fs also knows.
An inflamed abdominal space is not so easy to treat. There can always be complications. It may of course be that in this respect it must be rinsed several times to get the pussy out of everything.
the doctors will probably have told you that in the most favourable case, you are threatened with pussy, or you have already.
this is a life-threatening disease that inevitably leads to death within a few days untreated or inadequately treated. I’ve had them too and I’d died soon. I would have been operated a second time for a hair.
Of course you can refuse the op. But make it clear that you are probably playing your life with this message.
the doctors will certainly have told you similar.
all good.
It is rather different, they must not operate without your consent.
Of course you can reject an surgery, but then you have to bear the consequences. Let the surgery explain to you again, the chances of what happens when you refuse, and then think thoroughly about it and decide.
Hope you’re going to decide right and make good recovery.
You can always refuse medical interventions of all kinds. But it must live with the consequences.
Get a second opinion in your case.
Of course you can refuse the surgery.
It’s not like it’s smart.
of course you can reject them!
You don’t have to deny an surgery, you have to explicitly agree with her (sign), otherwise it would be a KV, that won’t be a doctor. Unless you’re not responsive and he can’t save life otherwise.
If you are full-year and fully operational, you can refuse any medical measure!
But I would talk to the doctor why the operation is necessary and now the third operation is already! If the answer is unsatisfied, I would immediately move to another hospital.
is not unusual in such illnesses.
Tell me about perionitis.
The diagnosis was only inserted after my answer. Nevertheless, I remain with my answer; from my own suffering experience.
Yes can refuse, even if you are pushed into the surgery still say no!But you have to think about it before!
If you are in full possession of your spiritual powers!