Darf ich das Geld von ihr verlangen?
Ich wollte mit einer Freundin und meinen Eltern ans Oktoberfest gehen. Sie hat auch zugestimmt und wir haben extra die Tage so angepasst, dass es für sie geht. Wir wollten am Samstag gehen (heute ist Mittwoch) und jetzt hat sie gesagt, dass sie wahrscheinlich doch nicht kann. Das Hotel und alles ist aber schon gebucht und so schnell jemand anderes zu finden ist ziemlich schwierig. Ist es asozial von mir zu verlangen, dass sie ihren Teil bezahlt?
No human being can plan. Can she now or not?
Do you want to go without her or not?
After that, if you try to cancel the hotel, you can find out what it costs.
Or you keep the hotel and find someone who can “probably” and pays his part.
If you have any expenses that the girlfriend has caused, because of her behavior, then it would be fair, she takes her share.
Take care of it. The sooner, the better.
was the hotel booking with her or did you trade yourself. If it was agreed, you have a contract – though probably only oral. A contract with the corresponding conditions applies.
Now you could just see if there is a way to reduce the costs incurred… if you really cancel… “that probably can’t be” leaves this open.
LG, Chris
You can try to cancel everything. In any case, however, there are cancellation costs, so your girlfriend should take over her share. Or even from the whole trip, if cancellation is no longer possible, I see that. I can’t believe you’re staying at all costs now, just because she can’t stop. Asocial isn’t that!
No, you’re right
If you cancel, you have to pay the costs. You should tell her, maybe she can…
No, if you can’t cancel anymore, it’s just fair.
Why don’t you ask what you think about it and if you give you something? You can’t ask. 🤔🤔