Darf ich das Auto meiner Oma fahren?
Hallo ihr Lieben,
Ich bekomme zu meinem bestandenen Führerschein das Auto meiner oma. Wir können aber nur am Wochenende hinfahren, da sie weiter weg wohnt, hat da das Landratsamt schon zu. Am Montag ist zusätzlich Feiertag. Ich wollte Fragen, ob ich dennoch mit dem auto weiterfahren darf, bis ich es ummelde am Dienstag/Mittwoch. Es ist über meine oma angemeldet und meine oma hat eine Versicherung.
vielen dank für eure Antworten!
If you choose a driver’s license (yes, yes) and the vehicle is approved and insured, of course you can drive with it. Don’t forget the admission and the KfZ letter. Good ride 🙂
May you if Grandma allows it. Take part 1 and 2, the TÜV report of the last HU and the AU, if it was not part of the HU.
Yeah, you can drive with it. It is Cars and not the driver!
However, if a discounted tariff has been concluded, on the basis of a guaranteed restriction of the driver’s circle (e.g. no one u25) and then an insurance case occurs where this restriction has not been complied with, this discount can be withdrawn retroactively for a while. Say, then the difference between “no driver u25” and “no driver u25” can be repaid for a few months.
If you don’t build an accident, it’s not a problem. However, if your grandma gave up the insurance, that only she drives the car and therefore pays lower contributions, this could cause problems in the event of damage. So drive carefully.
Sure, if Grandma’s allowed, you can go with it for years.
What insurance??
Are other drivers included?
Under 25?
I’m 18 years old, I don’t know what insurance. It is dementia (don’t know where the letters are) and my papa is currently on business trip.
THE is the most important to know if you are included as a driver.
This is essential for driving. Only a damage should be done
Yeah, sure if the grandma is allowed.
With permission of your grandma you can drive
Main thing it is even registered for someone – a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you need to make a training for a pensioner’s tax specialist
You’re funny
Thanks, I’ve heard more often