Can a gynecologist tell you this?
I'm asking because my girlfriend is scared about it. If you confide in your gynecologist that you've been raped, for example, is he allowed to call the police or (in the case of minors) inform your parents if they don't already know?
She's really scared of it, so I'd appreciate some answers.
A doctor is subject to medical confidentiality (§ 203 StGB). You can trust him. The doctor may not disclose information to parents, police or other bodies without the consent of the affected young people (over 14)!
Exception: Risk of child welfare (§ 8a SGB VIII):
So if you are still in contact with your rapist and continue to be raped or there is a risk of it (for example, if it was a family member or you cannot separate yourself from your rapist due to threats), then he can go to the Youth Office –> child welfare risk.
If there is absolutely no other way to get you out of this situation or you are unambiguous due to the circumstances, then he may abandon his obligation to silence. But he will definitely talk to you before and support you psychologically and physically. They never run immediately to any place and petty only if it is an absolute state of emergency and you are active in danger.
He can never tell your parents anything, just the authorities if you’re in acute danger.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
The doctor can’t tell you that. If she’s insecure, she can ask the doctor again what exactly he can count on who else.
No doctor will do that unless the patient asks for it.
He’s not allowed to see it in law.
but you should always inform the police about such a thing if you were forgiven*****
Why don’t you write rape? You think the word is censored and filtered.
I’m not sure they won’t lock this up. Have you ever done this?
Yes, yes
Thank you for your openness! It is easier for those affected to feel the effect of words.
It also triggers me because I was already a victim of the situation. That’s why I look at it
I can understand that you’re careful. There are also people who already trigger the word. Thank you for your careful attitude!
I don’t know what it was, so be careful
But not because you wrote out the word ” rape”.
He has no obligation