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Hello Anonymous920
No, if all the possibilities are broken to solve a ticket and there is no ticket sales at the stop, this is the responsibility of the transport company.
If there is a ticket sale at the stop you can be asked to use it.
No, you didn’t do anything wrong. But it’s different if the bus is overcrowded, but that wasn’t the case. That wasn’t a real reason. In such situations, you should express your opinion. You can’t be treated like that.
In this case, “my” bus operation is free. Just stupid if you bought a ticket before…
How do you want to get a ticket before a normal bus ride?
For example, at the vending machine at the stop, or you have moved from another mode of transport and previously bought a ticket for the entire route.
On a machine ..
Yes, of course. But if his cash is broken and you get a free ride, it would have been cheaper to have bought no ticket before…
But if you have your ticket, does he have to let you in?
At least that’s true, most of them are to be found where trams also drive.
So at a bus stop I’ve never seen a machine before jz.
It is again a question without an exact description of the circumstances that it is now important to decide:
What is reasonable for you as a passenger?
At the stop there was no machine and the next bus came 15 min later, however, I did not get my bus because the one bus driver with the broken cashier did not take me along.
He’ll be allowed, but I’m afraid he won’t. Why would he throw when you can go?
But he did it and with “rough” I meant he said I should go and wait for the next bus and not as you just said
Actually, he should have a wallet then returned to the money..
Without ticket, he must not accept money
But here is the speech of the cashier and not of the other device.
No! For example, if you buy a day ticket 4€ individual journey e.g. 2.25€ then he can only sell him a single trip because he can’t give him proof (the questioner) and that would be more expensive
This is not his private wallet, but the one from the “company”.., or what do you want out, don’t look.
Yes Without a ticket, he must not accept money because if he wants a day ticket…the most noticeable of himself (2 individual trips would be more expensive)
If you broke it, you’ll be fine.
Best answer.
No I did not haha
What does one have to do with the other?
Because I didn’t have a ticket and I wanted to buy one, the bus driver kicked me out because his checkout was broken.
If that was true, I would have called a taxi and sent the bill to the debes.