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Transparent bonnets are also considered cover if you should get an ABE or the blessing from the TÜV. Plexiglas- is not allowed because of the melting / fire hazard.
I think it’s really funny and worth seeing, but as far as I know, the bonnet is part of the crumb zone, or the energy-absorbing parts, and there will probably be no transparent material, which can be optimized for the necessary conditions.
So not under German regulations.
There are many sports cars like Lamborghini and Ferrari models, just behind them.
…with limitations: This hood should have the same characteristics as the original hood… what, for example, the absorption of impact energy, the behavior in collisions (deforms it or breaks it into a thousand pieces that fly uncontrolled through the area?) to obtain an authorisation.
Sure, if she has a break-proof and a license…
If the TÜV approves it, yes