Can the landlord terminate my rental deposit agreement?
Hello, I unfortunately smoked marijuana with my colleagues in the apartment, even though it's illegal. The landlord has now announced that he wants to terminate the rental deposit agreement. And we have to pay 2,000 euros by July 15, 2024. Is this allowed? I have to say that the apartment also has a lot of damage. For example, the blinds don't close, the toilet sometimes just runs and you have to press it twice to fix it, and the water in the shower doesn't drain fast enough. Thank you in advance for your answers.
A lease is concluded between you and the depositor. The landlord is not a Contracting Party and cannot therefore terminate. 2000 € Penalty are nonsens. Is that in the lease? The landlord cannot forbid smoking in the rental apartment.
Defects of the lease must be eliminated by the landlord – § 535 BGB
According to § 536a and 556b BGB, you can initiate a replacement if the landlord is in default with the repair.
In a normal rental apartment, he can neither smoke nor ciff you etc!
Your landlord has, with permission, no more all the shadows at the fence. You can smoke in your rented apartment what you want, he has nothing to report. Even if you are in the rental agreement that he refuses to you, you can delete the sentence, because that is not true.
Go to the tenant club and let yourself be advised. They’ll do it for you. Otherwise, lawyer.
He can say a lot, just don’t do it.
He may terminate you in the event of a contract. I don’t understand what it’s worth with the 2000€.
He’s not allowed to interrupt ciffs.
It’s not.
They can ciff as long as they’re funny.
Only if it interferes with third parties.
But more than a warning isn’t in there.
The deposit, we had a contract with the deposit, but he has lifted it now and wants us to pay 2k up to next month
He can keep the deposit if you caused the damage. I don’t understand what the 2000 € should be for.