Darf der Staat oder seine Vertreter einen die Hunde wegnehmen wenn man die Steuer im Jahr nicht mehr zusammen bekommt?

Hallo ich wollte mich mal dazu schlau machen wie das in solch einem Fall aussieht überall wird ja alles teurer im Moment und bei manchen reicht es grade mal noch so für Essen und Bekleidung was ist aber wenn die zum Stichtag X das nicht hinbekommen die Hundesteuer zu bezahlen wie ist das Rechtlich

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2 years ago

Just legally, the dog can be treated as a matter within the meaning of the law… but that will be the last step… because the FA must take care of the fact that nothing happens to the dog….

I’ve got a very funny story….the FA had a dog kicked out of some kind of noble breeding… so it was quite worth, but needed drugs, which the FA didn’t know.
The dog, now seriously ill, had to be treated as a vet and expensive. The veterinarian bills then paid the office as they were subject to damages…. So was a shot in the oven and summa summarum was also a minus business…

Thus, the FA will beforehand make account payments or wage payments over the borders or use other means of enforcement…

So nothing will happen to your favorite 😉


2 years ago

They won’t take the dog away from you. But that’s tax evasion and that’s going to be really expensive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fluxi123

You’re wrong. That would be a funny reason. I can’t pay the rent because of inflation or my car insurance etc. Nobody cares. We all have to see how we can pay for something…

2 years ago
Reply to  Fluxi123

they don’t care if you can pay or not. You have to pay no matter how you are. Otherwise you’ll commit a crime.

(you can’t go to the supermarket and they’ll let you steal if you say you’ve got hardly or no money)

If you don’t pay anymore, you’ll be riding into really deep debt.

If you can’t afford the dog you have to give it, they’ll see it.

And if you don’t even have money for taxes, you don’t have any money for the more expensive TA.

2 years ago

The dog is probably one of the last things that would be fed, but before that it gets really expensive.

If you already have problems with the dog tax, you can’t afford a dog.