Darf der Schulbusfahrer die Schüler rauswerfen?
ich bin heute wie immer mit dem Schulbus zur Schule gefahren. Als ich eingestiegen bin, hat er *agressiv* gesagt das wir unsere Schultasche runter nehmen sollen. Ich hatte eine zweite Tasche dabei und so war es sehr schwierig zu einem Platz im Bus zu gehen, denn ich wäre fast gestürzt und ich habe auch ausverssehen einen kleinen Jungen angerempelt. Etwas später haben sich ein paar Kinder nicht ,,richtig” hingesetzt, nach seiner Meinung. Er drohte den Kindern sie aus dem Bus zu werfen. Davor gab es keine Warnung oder anderes.
Meine Frage: Darf der Busfahrer die Kinder aus dem Bus werfen ,,nur,, weil sie sich nicht richtig hinsetzen?
Darf er mich zwingen die Schultasche herrunterzunehmen? Denn ich muss morgen eine weitere Tasche mitnehmen und ich denke nicht das ich dann meine Schultasche noch herunternehmen kann. Aber ich habe Angst das er mich aus dem Bus wirft wenn ich das nicht tue. Darf ich mich dann mit Worten wehren falls er mich rauswerfen will?
Liebe Grüße
With us it is so that at the beginning of the school year the lower classes are always told to take off the bags or backpacks on the bus.
It’s about
1. more people can travel
and 2. that other passengers get such a backpack in the face when a pupil turns unthinkably on the bus.
But is it traded? In 99 % of cases no! You can talk stupid and fussy….
Sometimes the unssitte comes to it (also in adults) that they think the bag also needs a seat….
How do I know? Drive almost daily by bus
oh hallo 🤗 I think they have misunderstood in the place I sit next to my buddy I meant getting into the bus
For safety reasons, he may refuse to transport if you cannot store your effects according to the safety regulations. He may also refuse you personally for disciplinary reasons and throw you out, but only at a regular bus stop.
That is, however, contrary to the General transport obligation, which he has as a bus driver for pupils (he must be able to enforce safety instructions or must not continue to drive) compulsory carewhich he has facing the children (does not throw you out as a school bus in an unusual place outside the regular stops).
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Hello,no matter if he is allowed or not who would be liable if the child had anything to happen if it was somewhere? What you hear and read is that with the bus driver’s egg for smaller kids with 7 8 years old is not quite harmless. You can also land without throwing out somewhere completely different if the bus driver doesn’t know that a child has to go out because the bus is too crowded or the kids are still too small to get to the button or the parents didn’t tell them that to press .It doesn’t matter what way this happens, but at the end when a child runs somewhere then the parents will be responsible for the driver anyway and when parents drive their child, they will be fooled.
Hello 🤗 the child is sitting normal and had the foot just something out of the seat as he sat next to anyone
but they are quite right and I am absolutely in their opinion
First of all, the bus driver has the right house on the bus. He’s allowed to kick out anyone who doesn’t fit him.
If he says you’re going to put the bag down, you’re gonna do it with other kids.
And you should be on the bus something you can’t do what you want.
And if the bus driver reminds you to be calm or take the bags down and you don’t make it that he can throw you out.
Oh, I think there was a misunderstanding, he said that to me when I got in. I’m sitting next to my friend on the bus. I got my school bag down there.
But if he has to say the same thing every day, I can understand that he’s going out there and doesn’t say it in a normal sound anymore. I think he’s already told you to take your bags down more often. I’d like you to get a good shot.
Hello 🤗nein he didn’t say it before. And not now. He says it’s just a few pupils now
I can understand the bus driver. If he has to say the same thing every day that you should take your bags down, I can understand that he doesn’t say that in a normal sound. You’d have got a good shot from me, too.
Hello 🤗Before he did not say it, and now he says it only to a few pupils
If I understood you correctly, he doesn’t say to all the students that they should take their bags down.
I don’t understand.
Yes and before that happened he never told me
the driver is concerned with your safety and he is responsible for it. Or go to foot
Thank you for your answer. But what if I or someone else were hurt because I’m very packed. Am I guilty?
if you resist his instructions, yes. Then he’ll put you on the streets first.
Yes, a spin I will also apply for from the next school year
I don’t know if the question is addressed to me, but there is also another bus driver who isn’t that strict.
there are no possibilities to include unneededed items in school?
Unfortunately, but this is only one exception because I have to take all my school books.
It’s a school bus.
Bicycles are not taken on the train, because the part of the transport conditions is that bicycles are taken with the appropriate place only. They shouldn’t throw them out for suitcases.
Okay👍🏻 thanks I will make
he won’t be the only one. What are the others doing?
No, he can’t. But you should talk to your parents about how much stuff you have to take to school. Either you need other promotions, or they’d have to address this at the parents’ night. It can’t be serious that you have to run around with three bags.
Then you have to talk to your teacher, that you just get at school and don’t have to carry everything home every day.
So in the train, people are not currently taken by when you have a bike and the train is crowded. Also on a bus, the bus driver can decide whether a bicycle can be taken or excessively much luggage.
Okay, but I need this at school? May he say that?
So you can’t take so much stuff on the bus. There the bus driver can also say you can’t go along if you have too much luggage or training.
Your parents should complain to the company that puts school buses.
If the man can handle children so badly, he’s in the wrong profession.
Basically, he has house law and therefore he can tell you that you should take off the bags.
Did I get you right to have three bags in the morning? Why?
I have a folder, my school bag and must take my books with me (which unfortunately does not fit everything into my school bag)😅
He has to do his job and he’s bringing the kids to school