Darf der Busfahrer das?

Wir waren an einer Ampel, dass grün gezeigt hat für und Fußgänger und wir sind halt rübergegangen. Da war halt ein Mädchen, dass auch bei grün die Straße überquert hatte, es wurde aber rot als sie noch dabei war die Straße zu überqueren. Da kam ein Bus von der Ecke, der einbiegen wollte und hätte das Mädchen fast überfahren, weil er nicht anhalten wollte, auch als er sie gesehen hatte, dass sie noch die Straße überquert.
Wie findet ihr das? Ich fand das ziemlich krass, da der Bus wirklich kurz davor war sie überfahren, wenn sie nicht schneller gegangen wäre. Sie konnte ja schlecht Mitten in der Straße stehen bleiben als es rot wurde …

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3 years ago

intentional behavior was probably not, rather an indebted innocence.

there have been countless turn-on accidents with cyclists and pedestrians through lkws, bus drivers have become much better and should basically drive through responsibility for their passengers with care and care.

but an absolute guarantee that even bus drivers sometimes mist build and cause accidents, there is not.

3 years ago

The scene you described can contain everything.

You say he saw her and went on.

But did he perceive it?

Sometimes you look over something even when you look in that direction. If not, there would be no accidents.

So it is possible that the bus driver has not seen them, not perceived, perceived too late, but of course also the ass violin variant, he wanted to encourage them to cross them faster by feeding.

In addition, a full braking by bus often results in casualties on the bus, especially when people are already at the exit. The purse mingling around, that has already cost human lives. So the bus driver has to see that not only the girl, no also the passengers happen as little as possible.

Only from the outside impossible to say exactly what might have happened.

3 years ago

No, of course he can’t. He just plucked. Passes more often than you think. When bending, they often overlook everything that is before or next to them.

3 years ago

And the bus can just as badly stand in the middle of the street….Even if he’s driving around the corner and then “spontaneously sees” that someone goes over it. Full braking would have caused accidents behind or next to the bus. He didn’t drive her over

3 years ago
Reply to  LePetitGateau

the bus is not a lkw and has much better overview. each passenger is grilled to pay particular attention to the privileged cyclists and pedestrians when bending.

it is despicable to not have to brake in such a case, so that the passengers in the bus do not get hurt. how fast “boards” the around a curve, how much time remains to the school view etc????

3 years ago

Yeah, he can’t, but who cares?

2 years ago
Reply to  aGlassofJuice

None of these will soon be replaced by machine-operated vehicles

3 years ago

If it continues, then the question of the time is until the crash will be experienced.