Darf das Jobcenter mein Zeugnis anfordern?

Guten Tag,

ich absolviere momentan eine schulische Vollzeitausbildung und befinde mich seit Beginn des Schuljahres im letzten Ausbildungsjahr.
Jedes Jahr muss ich dem Jobcenter zum Nachweis meine Schulbescheinigung vorlegen -soweit so gut.
Nun habe ich gestern eine neue Fallmanagerin bekommen und diese hat jetzt meine Zeugnisse und anstehende Praktika für das letzte Jahr angefordert.

Ich finde, dass man sowieso schon sehr viel dort von sich preisgeben muss, deshalb frage ich mich, ob diese Anforderung überhaupt rechtlich korrekt ist, oder ob ich dies ablehnen kann?

Da ich bis August 2025 nicht Vermittlungsfähig bin, sehe ich die Notwendigkeit dazu ohnehin nicht.

Wie seht ihr das?

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7 months ago

You can and can ask for everything.

I don’t see any objectionable to the claim.

I do not see the need for it anyway.

It is also enough if the job center sees it 🙂

7 months ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

Of course, there’s something worthy of criticism.

It is only necessary to prove that the training is still taking place or that the training has been completed, specialist, who need the certificate for this, to take a measure again quickly for the tactics, in order to remove from the statistics. There is absolutely no need to demand a witness. If there is another possibility for occupancy and proof of the completed training course. And they always exist. The expert may simply be accused of ignorance. In the worst case attempted data abuse

7 months ago
Reply to  Fuchswerk773

You can also see it dramatically:)

7 months ago
Reply to  Fuchswerk773

These are the so-called experts, because I am also wondering what some experts give of themselves.

7 months ago

The title is also thrown out here, so you can admit that you have no idea. Because if you really had any idea, you would know that a certificate may not actually be requested by the job center. The job centre may only request proof. Because the job center must justify why they need the certificate. Instead of another proof. And even then they are not allowed to save it, that is to show the personal job center is sufficient. And no, the job center is not allowed to send your testimony for suggestions. This can even be done by the person in the job center, who supervises the job looking prison. Conciliation proposals must be presented without documentation.

7 months ago

Someone can’t read correctly: Community-Expert 🙂

7 months ago

I therefore wonder whether this requirement is legally correct at all, or whether I can reject it?

You can reject ALL. However, if you do not comply with your obligation to participate, you will not receive any benefits. That’s so simple.

The Office would like to have documents, you would like to receive services. Renounce the services and you don’t need to prove any documents.

7 months ago
Reply to  Xandros0506

Don’t spread false information here. The certificate goes to the job center a damp dirt, it only has to be proven that the training takes place or that the training has been completed. The witness is even more effective protection. The notes on the certificate are intended to provide the job center only one way to quickly push someone back into any measure to operate the statistics certificate. A refusal to participate is not to send another proof instead of the certificate.

7 months ago

Yeah, it’s not a problem.

Just write to them that you don’t need their help/support.

And if you get here sometime and want money from the Jobcenter/Arge, they’ll tell you that their money doesn’t need. 🤷

And yes, of course they can. Otherwise, it could also ask if potential employers may request certificates in the applications.

7 months ago
Reply to  LuciusArtorius


7 months ago
Reply to  xXAlpaChinoXx

And isn’t your first account here?

And funnyly, you have nothing to contribute!

7 months ago
Reply to  LuciusArtorius

No, the job center is not allowed to demand the certificates. Theoretically, it’s not even an employer. It is only necessary to prove that the training has been completed. To this end, the certificate of the completed oral or written examination shall be sufficient:

7 months ago

For all who should read this, after that he has deactivated his account, so much toof question who is the Grandmaul😂😂😂😂aber for me personally is the satisfaction enough

7 months ago

Sometime, you get to the wrong guy, I’ll give you advice.

7 months ago

The best thing is, you wanted to meet and now you’re pretending to have started with it.Distorted perception of reality seems, but if you’ve been on the road for 20 years, that explains a lot.

7 months ago

Definitely you, I’m not a liar, you’ve already done yourself as such (your own words here)

Under the answer of smokkyy I wrote where I come from

7 months ago

And in the end you live in Hamburg! In 20 years, there’s never been anything around when a contestant guy wanted to meet or agreed to a meeting. So I guess we’re both big girls because you didn’t even want to write your address in here.

So now we’re trying to figure out who the bigger big mouth is?

7 months ago

You’re making the proposal and I’m supposed to come to Berlin… so your idea was on to Cologne lime… especially in the other post you’ve described yourself as a liar when you think you’re a liar because you’re one yourself.

I would have quoted that only your post was completely deleted because again off the topic

7 months ago

Berliner Hauptbahnhof. 1 floor. Opposite the pharmacy. There are 3 glass doors. There you knock on the first one to ask the colleagues after me.

Until then, they already know that someone will ask for me.

7 months ago

Why? You are now acting on the internet as if you would come to Cologne Kalk in NRW😂😂😂😂ja safe…who ever grow up and learn to be civilized…was your proposal, so send me yours

7 months ago

Then drop your address!

7 months ago

Ok let alone meet, no problem, then we see who the Grandmaul is😂if you don’t get clear with other opinions, then you’re wrong here…

7 months ago

For someone who’s been out here for three months, you’re gonna tear up your mouth.

People usually do this only when they’re on their way here for a long time, and know the habits.

So please let me try to pee my leg.

If you have a personal problem with my person, I’d like to give you the opportunity to clarify this from face to face.

If you don’t want to do this, you’ll be happy to report on it, but you’ll listen to me completely.

7 months ago

Then he comes back with his accusations, I had something commented on your original comment that you then added to the end, you know that yourself.For before you did not answer the question at all.For you definitely not everything seems to be going round with such a behavior.

In contrast to you, I always go to the question and do not hold foreign people a moral sermon.

7 months ago

Yeah, there’s a lot of people coming back here who don’t know anything.

The job center must not request a certificate, neither must they. Your expert is working completely according to Scheme F.

Basically, you only have to prove that you are still in the training, and a certificate is sufficient. Your expert can ask a lot. But why she wants to have your testimony, she’s supposed to justify it in writing. Because for a mediation, the certificate is not necessary and can even represent a violation of the General Data Protection Regulation if it is stored or sent to employers without your consent.

If the training is completed, the certificate is sufficient that you have passed the examination definitively. The grades go to your expert.

7 months ago

The JobCenter isn’t just there to pay your basic security.

Of course, the specialist needs your current certificates. How else would he be able to arrange a mediation for you?

And he also has the right to infiltrate whether you work in this training or just sit down there.

7 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

And he also has the right to infiltrate whether you work in this training or just sit down there.

Exciting. Legal basis?

7 months ago
Reply to  Comp4ny

For this purpose, specialists in the school call and ask if they even finance the training.

7 months ago
Reply to  Comp4ny

If the JobCenter promotes such a measure (provides for a livelihood), it will of course have the right to know whether it is actually being operated seriously.

7 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

He said that he does not need a conciliation and, in the case of training, he will go to school for at least one year.

7 months ago

If you get money, you also have obligations to participate. This is already in the leaflet for unemployed people. Everyone signifies that he has received and taken note of this.

7 months ago

I would like to know the legal basis, not a personal opinion.