Dann ich beim Aufenthalt den Flughafen verlassen?
Ich fliege mit Germanwings (bzw Eurowings) von Wien über Köln nach London und habe in Köln einen Aufenthalt von 2 Stunden und 45 Minuten. Meine Frage wäre, ob ich in dieser Zeit den Sicherheitsbereich verlassen kann um am Flughafen in einem der Öffentlichkeit zugänglichen Bereich Freunde von mir treffen könnte, bzw ob sich das überhaupt zeitlich ausgeht! Die Flüge haben 2 verschiedene Flugnummern und ich bin Österreicher, daher sollte das ja eigentlich gehen, möchte aber auf Nummer sicher gehen.
Danke im Vorraus!
You have about an hour, because you have to go through passport control and the safety lock. Make sure your pastry is “passed” or you have to pick it up and check it in again.
I’ll take care of the luggage!
An hour outside would be enough that it is worth it for me
If both flights are operated by the same line, it is the rule that the baggage is passed through.
Yes, you can leave the security area at any time and enter it again. As EU citizens, this is even less problematic.
However, you must note that you take your ID/pass and your boarding pass; In addition, the same requirements apply for each safety control (so no illegal liquids etc., etc.)
Helpful sit to realize how far it is to the new gate.
You can. The prerequisite is that you may enter the corresponding country (which is not a topic here). And of course you have to be back in time. And of course, you have to go through the security check again, but it’s not a matter.
The surroundings of the Cologne airfield are quite bleak. There is absolutely nothing to see, and time is too short for a trip to the city.
Please, your friends, get out of the airfield. You can meet in the waiting area and get there.
Tell them to bring drinks (beer/caola in cans or coffee/tea in the thermos bottle, not forget about beaker). Prices in airport cafeterias are the worst offshore you can imagine.
That would have been the plan anyway, it is less about the city of Cologne than about my friends, which I only see once a year and could sit with them for at least half an hour.
If it’s time for me to go to the waiting area within the 2:45 hours and check in again would be the top!
Sure you can. But it’s not really worth it at 2.45 hours. You’ll have to go through the controls and everything.
As long as it takes time, the new controls would not matter to me, even a conversation over half an hour would be worth it.
I only do not know the airport in Cologne and therefore do not know whether it could be realized on time.
As long as it is allowed, this is a first step
worth not, the time is too short. You must be through customs and security control. Return the same.
It’s not worth it because you have to get back through the security check.
It does not take more than an hour, however, as it is.
Then still time for a short conversation outside
That’s bullshit! How long do you need for the security check? So it’s done in a quarter of an hour.