Dämmmatte an der Motorhaube Pflicht?

Immer wieder ist mir aufgefallen das auf der Unterbodenpappe geschmolzen Kunststoffklumpen kleben.

Ich wusste nie woher das kam, denn ich kratzte es immer weg, sobald ich die Unterbodenpappe demontierte.

Nun habe ich gesehen, dass die Dämmmatte der Haube die Ursache ist. Fahre ich lange Strecken, beginnt die Dämmmatte an zu schmelzen.

Ich muss das Auto in nächster Zeit beim TÜV prüfen lassen.

Kann ich die die Abdeckung entfernen, bevor mir die Bude noch abfackelt?

(SLK 230 Bj. 1999)

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1 year ago

…I would rather worry that the engine would reach such temperatures that the insulation mat melts. That she burns after 25 years is normal. The fact that it melts indicates too high temperatures in the engine compartment. That would give me more concern, so you should see what it is. By the way, such insulation mats for relatively “painful” money are to be received and are quite easy to stick in.

1 year ago
Reply to  225CRP54

…okay, so not so dramatic. TÜV is relevant, as far as I know, not. Really “flammable” the stuff isn’t. Remove remnants and glue new… looks more beautiful when you open the hood. And I imagine the vehicle’s getting worse and the engine sounds more pleasant, more elegant.

1 year ago

The best way is to change the insulation for a new one.. completely without I would not drive.. Because the mat prevents the generated heat of the engine from being transferred to the bonnet and which at the end damages the paint… which can then again burst quickly, which will result in a fast grate of the bonnet.