Damenbinden oder Windeln?

Hallöchen Leute. Mich würde mal etwas zur Periode der Frau interessieren.

Wärend der Periode gibts ja mehrer Produkte für die Frau welche das Blut ja aufnehmen.

Jetzt würde mich rein vom Funktionsprinzip interessieren ob nicht eine windel das selbe tut.

In einer windel sind ja sogenannte superabsorber welche “Flüssigkeit” ja binden bzw aufnehmen.

Trifft das auf Perioden Blut auch zu. Ist ja grundsätzlich genau so eine Flüssigkeit

Ich freue mich schon auf eure Antworten.

Lg Andi

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7 months ago


Yes, these superabsorbers are also in bandages. However, there are also bandages that do not have them according to your wishes or use. The by Always have for example all Superabsorbers (except the special made of cotton)

The superabsorbers can absorb more liquid and also much faster. Unfortunately, these also contain microplastics and are bad for the body and the environment.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



7 months ago

Period blood is not as liquid as urine, so you don’t need the same materials.

7 months ago

Women can use ties of different strengths, tampons or menstruation stages.

“Pampers” or corresponding incontinence products are certainly not needed – a woman loses during a control bleeding over several days distributed a total of about 60 ml of blood.

7 months ago
Reply to  AndreasR730

Of course, a diaper would also work during the period (before again not as a diaper).

But that would just be unnecessary.

7 months ago
Reply to  wilees

According to what I once saw on TV, more than ten times when you count all the other liquids/secrets, not just blood.