Dachte immer die Griechen sind sooo nett?
Bin jetzt das zweite mal in Griechenland, und ich habe noch nicht viel von der hochgelobten Gastfreundschaft mitbekommen, aber in den 20 mal in den ich schon in Kroatien war, waren die FEWO Vermieter, Verkäufer usw. immer viel freundlicher…
Because of the ridiculous incident with the air conditioning, you’re gonna throw all the Greeks over a comb? Sorry, more than silly what you’re trying.
You can find it unfriendly or not, in the end you’re just a guest and after your departure you don’t have to worry about any further maintenance, billing etc.
As you keep, I’m not surprised! Rather that you are not in Croatia.
The Greeks have always been proud to welcome visitors and help tourists spend a pleasant holiday. Finally, they are known for their hospitality. Generally, Greeks are friendly and nice.
We speak from experience – for at least 30 years of recurring holiday in Greece 💖
Were you a private guest with a Greek? Doesn’t it sound like…?