D5600 von Nikon – Objektive?
Mit welchen Objektiven ist die Nikon D5600 kompatibel?
Danke im Voraus für alle Antworten!
Mit welchen Objektiven ist die Nikon D5600 kompatibel?
Danke im Voraus für alle Antworten!
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Allen Nikon F lenses can be connected to the camera (except a few rare invasive Fisheye lenses). With very old lenses, where the focus motor is not in the lens, but is mechanically operated by the camera, you do not have an autofocus.
All lenses with the designation AF-S, AF-I, AF-P are fully compatible.
By the way, it is also in the guide of the camera.
Okay, thank you.
all AFS, AFP and some AFIs work completely on the D5600 (see list in the guide to follow page 200).
Without autofocus are the AF and AFD types
Without distance decoders, AF types are missing the AF support arrows in the viewfinder.
The D5600 has no screen to focus on manuelen
At AIS there is no program and automatic diaphragm
With Nikkor F optics before AI S, i.e. without electrical contacts, only manual mode with simple light measurement methods (no multi-field measurement)