D-Mark wiedereinführen?
Währt ihr dafür? Ich bin ein Gegner der EZB weshalb ich gerne die D Mark zurückhätte für ein unabhängiges Finanzsystem
Währt ihr dafür? Ich bin ein Gegner der EZB weshalb ich gerne die D Mark zurückhätte für ein unabhängiges Finanzsystem
Hallo wenn mein Arbeitgeber mir Fahrtgeld bezahlt wird das dann versteuert oder sind die 0,25€ pro km steuerfrei und kommen Netto auf mein Gehalt drauf ?
Welche Münze ist das hab ich noch nie gesehen
Guten Tag, ich habe von Klarna eine Lastschrift zurück gegeben da ich ungenügend geld auf konto hatte. Kann mir jemand helfen und mir sagen ob das schlimm ist oder ob ich eine mahnung bekomme oder irgendwas?? danke für eure antwort!
Ich habe eine Stelle bei einem deutschen Konzern in Asien gefunden, als Abteilungsleiter. Ich möchte mich dort bewerben, weil ich ein paar Jahre direkt am Meer leben will. Ich stelle mir vor, meinen Kaffee mit Meerblick zu genießen. Aber wie ist der Lohn dort, z. B. in Mauritius? Ist das Gehalt an die Lebensverhältnisse vor…
Although ch was not for the euro at the time, and which today would still be critical for the time being, you cannot simply turn around the wheel of history.
The WIEDER introduction of the DM would be today! a disaster for Germany and therefore I am of course, although with some compulsion, FOR the €
And I have to admit one thing in all very strong skepsis at that time: The € actually has a few advantages.
However, with the knowledge of the further developments, I would still be able to decide against it retrospectively after that time, but I may also lack knowledge in order to be able to judge this very well (as most people).
But today?’Reintroduction of the DM?
The euro has so far been much better than expected. But he doesn’t come with the old D-Mark. It was the best Germany ever had. Most of my life I paid in D-Mark.
Although the ECB has not encumbered with fame, and the euro has some very basic structural constraints (although the idea that a state that does not comply with the stability criteria and makes too many debts has the money to pay punishments, it has been humorous), it is nevertheless alone whether the sheer size for speculators has changed much harder than individual currencies of a country like the DM.
Even if you are a Eurogner, you have to acknowledge the realities. There is no return to the D-Mark because an exit from Germany from the monetary union would have consequences that no one can seriously consider.
I would also like to explain this in more detail, but I doubt the seriousness of the question as to the possibilities of answer such as “Rubel” and “Reichsmark”. But that’s right, because you can’t seriously ask for an exit from the euro for Germany. ;
You can only dream of the D Mark. Who is born before 2000 knows that these times were much better. The euro broke everything.
The DM also lost purchasing power at the end of its era.