Cybersecurity studieren in Deutschland?
aktuell bin ich in der 11. Klasse und habe vor, nach der Schule Informatik im Bereich IT-Sicherheit zu studieren.
- wie heißen diese Studiengänge (einfach Informatik als Studiengang?)
- Was würde sich strukturell ändern im Studium im Vergleich zum “normalen” Informatik Studium
- Welche Unis in DE oder evtl. außerhalb bieten sich dafür an?
VG Magnus
The names vary according to university. The most common are:
Sometimes this is also offered as a focus within a computer science study.
Both courses start with the basics of general computer science, such as:
Programming, algorithms and data structures, operating systems, computer networks and mathematics (Analysis, Linear Algebra, discrete mathematics).
The difference: IT security courses focus more on security issues such as:
There are also interdisciplinary topics such as legal aspects (data protection laws), IT forensics and security management.
There are often more practice in IT security courses. For example:
What’s important?
Classical computer science studies are broader, as you have more choices in topics such as AI, web development, game development or databases.
However, IT security courses are quite specialized. This is almost just about security, and less about general computer science issues.
This also makes a difference:
With an IT security program, you can enter directly into occupations such as penetration testers, IT researchers or security consultants.
With a classic computer science program you can also go into IT security, but you have to specialize yourself more closely – e.g. through electives, internships or projects.
Inland: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Universität der Saarlandes, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Technische Hochschule Brandenburg
Abroad: Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), KU Leuven (Belgien), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), Royal Holloway, University of London (UK).
To do this, however, you need to see whether your degree is easily accepted within the EU(German degrees are highly respected 😀 and many have open application procedures, especially for international students) and you also meet the language requirements.
You should also consider the following aspects:
My conclusion:
A computer science study is enough if you focus on IT security during your studies. But if you already know that you want to go fully towards cybersecurity, a specialized study course is better.
Are German qualifications generally highly regarded? So, for example, if the university degree comes from DE, someone would be worth it in America.
Thanks for the answer!
German degrees are already considered, but it is very dependent on the university. The University in Munich or Heidelberg University enjoy a world-wide reputation, which is reflected in their ranking.
Yes, German degrees have a good reputation, even in the USA.
Many universities offer this. Just googlen.
The difference is, of course, the security aspect that is more illuminated in cyber security studies. For example:
How would that be called a study? I’ve talked to some people working in the field, and they all say something about Computer Science. But if I appeal to my brother or others, they only laugh (my brother was for example at KIT in Karlsruhe, who should also have such an offer)
Cyber Security usually means that.
Computer Science is the same as computer science. To work in the field, a computer science study is sufficient.