Curry King abgelaufen?
Ich habe im Kühlschrank noch eine Curry King (Lidl alternative) Packung die aber schon seit 17 Tagen abgelaufen ist. Kann man die noch essen? Sie war nicht Tiefgefroren und ich kann sie nicht aufmachen zum riechen. Sie soll ja geschlossen in dir Mikrowelle (mit Piksern natürlich)
As long as a packaging has not yet begun to blow up is usually all good. Have eaten much older.
Otherwise trust your senses, for that they are there.
If you’ve seen her, you should smell something. If the smell seems normal, the color is okay, and there’s nothing scratching in it, you could dare a bite.
From one Curry King will not be sick there are so many preservatives in there, the dose makes the poison.
Never eat too many toxins in
But it was good
Boy that was not the question, hope you only feed on self-made stuff, etc
Yeah, there’s so many preservatives in that stuff.
for heaven’s sake, what is that? You better cook.
Keep baking
what do you mean? You don’t want me to say anything?
Where is the problem to make them warm and then try?