Give away CSGO Prime?

Hey :)) I wanted to give my little sister CS:GO Prime on Steam, but it doesn't show up among my friends when I try to choose who to give it to. I have no idea why. She's level 0 on Steam.

(Generally, not all of my friends are shown, only those who already have Prime) you can see in the picture.

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6 years ago

Your sister has to look for me. Conversely, this does not work if there is no game or credit on the account for at least. 5 € was bought.

6 years ago
Reply to  httpalena

Your sister must add to her friends’ list… after that you can send her the gift, as she is in your friends’ list.

6 years ago

Tjoar, then Steam has new guidelines… then you have to buy it through its account, or just give it a key to it.

6 years ago

Did she spend 5€ with the account?

6 years ago
Reply to  httpalena

I couldn’t send a friend a present when he had a fresh account.

So your girlfriend has to buy a game in the store or charge the account via credit once with 5€.

6 years ago

Gifts are part of the community features that are not unlocked until they have spent at least 5€ on their account. Loading credits is enough. Any keys are not enough for the money to be spent directly on Steam.