Crypto staking Nachteile?
Hey Leute, ich wollte meine bitcoin und Vechain tokens staken.
So wie ich das verstanden habe ist das wie folgender Massen:
Ich lasse meine Coins staken. Diese Coins werden dann dafür verwendet um irgendwelche Internet Rechenleistungen zu unterstützen. Meine Coins können dabei nicht weniger werden. Nach dem staking bekomm ich dann einen Betrag mit den jeweiligen coin gut geschrieben.
Ich kann jederzeit das staking abbrechen und habe somit nix zu verlieren.
Ist das richtig so? Oder gibt es auch Nachteile beim staking? Vielen Dank.
Partly. For example, bitcoin cannot be beaten. What you can do is give it and get interest for it (but this does not support the network somehow). This is not without risk, of course, because the provider has to somehow see that he returns more bitcoin than he gets from you. If that doesn’t work, you’ll get less or nothing back in the end. That’s why I’d give Bitcoin NIE.
I’m not so deep in the way the Staking is doing at ADA & Co. However, Staking usually also runs through a provider that can go broke or make losses. You can also do this through your own wallet, but then the coins are loosened and I wouldn’t trust all my coins to get them loose again guaranteed.
As I said, without risk no return.
I’m sure you got that wrong. No coins somehow support the network in computing power. What is done at PoS is simply said that those who have the most money have the right to write new blocks and get a reward for it. With your coins you can now go to a provider and contribute something. This has nothing to do with computing power.
This is not necessarily the case.