Crunchyroll: Kann man alles mit Premium schauen?
ich habe ein Problem: Bei einigen Animes bekomme ich folgende Nachricht “Sorry, due to licensing limitations, videos are unavailable in your region: [Name des Animes]”.
Kann ich diese Animes schauen wenn ich das Premium-Abo abschließe (Unabhängig von meiner Region)?____________________________________________________________________________________
Danke im Vorraus!
If the anime is not licensed for the region, it will not be displayed there because of the geoblock, whether you have premium or not.
only those licensed in DE or unlocked in DE
Some animes are only visible in certain regions / countries
Yes everything except if you want to watch things that are prohibited or not available in your country
mfg Fabi
No, just get the app and get in there. There should be all animes available for your regions.
No, you can’t. The one for this anime does not own Chunchyroll the license to stream it in Germany.