Creatin und Entwässerungstabletten?
Kann Entwässerungstabletten (mit Brennesseltee-Extrakt) mit Creatin zusammen nehmen?
Wirkt die Entwässerung der Tabletten nur auf unter die Hautzellen, oder auch auf die Muskeln? Weil sonst wäre es ja kontraproduktiv für das Creatin
I wouldn’t do anything
all the best
Dewatering is a very bad idea…
Had water retention on the face
Then you should go to the doctor and explain the cause.
When you drain, you drain the entire body.
If too much water is stored, it can of course be helpful. If you dehydrate too much, beyond the natural water content, it becomes quickly dangerous.
But my question is whether this active ingredient only acts on the skin cells or on the muscles, because it would then work against the creatine powder.
He meant to take too much salt and sodium over the diet and said I should take these dewatering tablets with nettle extract